Sedum sexangulare
Six-Sided Sedum, Six-Angled Sedum, Tasteless Sedum
ex 9cm pots
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Quick Overview
- Attractive low-growing carpet-forming Sedum
- Foliage arranged in distinctive six-angled 'ribs' resembling a miniature cactus
- Starry yellow flowers in summer
- Tough hardy xerophyte that doesn't mind wetter conditions
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Sedum sexangulare, Six-Sided Sedum is one of the most attractive of all the low-growing carpet-forming Sedums. Its tiny leaves are arrange in six distinctive rib-like rows, often spriralled and resembling a small clustering miniature cactus. The foliage is green in shady moist conditions turning reddish in more sun or when dry. It produces starry yellow fowers in the summer.
Preferring light sun and best kept well-watered during the dry summer months, Sedum sexangulare is nonetheless a tough hardy xerophyte capable of surviving both extremes of drought and cold. It makes an ideal companion plant for larger succulents, Opuntias and other coldhardy cacti.
Additional Information
Order | Saxifragales |
Family | Crassulaceae |
Sub-Family | Sempervivoideae |
Synonyms | Sedum acre subsp. bononiense, Sedum acre var. sexangulare, Sedum acre subsp. sexangulare, Sedum acre subsp. bononiense, Sedum acre var. spirale, Sedum bononiense, Sedum elrodii, Sedum forsterianum, Sedum hexangulare, Sedum mite, Sedum schistosum, Sedum sexangulare subsp. bononiense, Sedum sexangulare f. elatum, Sedum sexangulare subsp. montenegrinum, Sedum spirale, Sedum tschernokolevii |
Geographical Origin | Europe, Asia |
Cultivation | Sunny aspect but tolerates some shade. Dry, gravelly, well-drained loam-based soil. Although xerophytic it appreciates being well-watered during drought and hot dry weather |
Eventual Height | 10-15cm |
Eventual Spread | Spreading to form a mat |
Hardiness | Hardy |
Sedum sexangulare
Six-Sided Sedum, Six-Angled Sedum, Tasteless Sedum
ex 9cm pots
In stock
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