Aeonium haworthii x undulatum

Aeonium haworthii x undulatum

Hatiora salicornioides

Hatiora salicornioides

Rhodiola pachycladus

Stonecrop, Grey Stonecrop, White Diamond Stonecrop, Silver Gem Stonecrop, Silver Blue Stonecrop
ex 10cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Low-growing alpine succulent groundcover
  • Attractive multiple rosettes of glaucous-green foliage
  • White flowers in summer
  • Full sun and a well-drained gritty subtrate
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Rhodiola pachycladus, Silver Blue Stonecrop is a low-growing alpine succulent from eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan that forms a dense attractive mat of blue-green rosettes that gradually spread to create a sizeable ground-covering carpet. In summer, it produces small white flowers.

Rhodiola pachycladus is such an easy, low-maintenance plant that it is surprising it is not sought out and grown more often. It requires a free-draining gritty substrate and full sun. It is hardy throughout the UK although in severe winters with extended sub-zero temperatures it may become semi-herbaceous and grow again from its roots when the weather warms up. For that reason, it is helpful to plant it near other larger plants or scrambling down protective or overhanging rockfaces. It resembles a miniature Echeveria or a smaller bluer version of Sedum palmeri and is an instant eye-catcher. With its combination of good looks and and low-to-no maintenance xerophytic habit is is a real winner and creates memorable planting combinations with larger succulents, particulary Agaves.

Additional Information

Order Saxifragales
Family Crassulaceae
Sub-Family Sempervivoideae
Synonyms Rhodiola primuloides var. pachyclados, Sedum pachyclados
Geographical Origin Eastern Afghanistan, Western Pakistan
Cultivation Full sun. A dry free-draining soil improved by quantities of sand, grit and shingle. Water well in summer
Eventual Height 10cm
Eventual Spread 50cm
Hardiness Hardy in the UK. Some winters it will be cut back somewhat but sprouts again once the waeather warms up into the growing season
Rhodiola pachycladus
Stonecrop, Grey Stonecrop, White Diamond Stonecrop, Silver Gem Stonecrop, Silver Blue Stonecrop
ex 10cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
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