Petrosedum sediforme 'Silver'

Petrosedum sediforme 'Silver'

Sedum sexangulare

Sedum sexangulare

Opuntia fragilis

Brittle Pricklypear, Little Pricklypear
ex 9cm pots
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Low-growing prostrate Opuntia
  • Prickly with very easily detached pads
  • Cold hardy
  • Gritty, well-drained substrate and full sun
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Opuntia fragilis, Brittle Pricklypear is a small low-growing Opuntia with short fat cladodes and numerous spines. It forms a sprawling prostrate clump gradually spreading out in all directions and the terminal segments easily detach and - as they root readily - create new plants. It is the most northerly growing of all cacti, growing in several Canadian provinces and further north and to the west than the more easterly, Opuntia humifusa, whose range also extends into Canada. It is thus extremely cold hardy but in the typically wet winter conditions of the UK, care is needed to keep the plants dry to avoid rot. The brittleness of the cladodes are an evolutionary adaptation to enable them to stick to the fur and hair of mammals that help to distribute the species over a wide geographical region. The spines are sharp and barbed and will just as readily stick to your fingers when touched and detach easily from the plant.

Opuntia fragilis is one of the easist cacti to grow and thrives under the toughest conditions, including your neglect. Its main requirement is a very gritty, free-draining substrate and if planting it outside it will be sensible - depending on the aspect and location - to provide a rain-shelter, at least until back-up plants have been established from cuttings and detached cladodes.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Opuntioideae
Synonyms Cactus fragilis, Opuntia brachyarthra, Opuntia fragilis subsp. brachyarthra, Opuntia fragilis var. brachyarthra, Opuntia fragilis f. brachyarthra, Opuntia fragilis var. caespitosa, Opuntia fragilis var. denudata, Opuntia fragilis var. parviconspicua, Opuntia fragilis var. tuberiformis, Opuntia sabinii, Opuntia ventanensis, Tunas fragilis
Geographical Origin USA: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, N. Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, S. Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington; Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan
Cultivation Full sun. Gritty, well-drained mineral-based mix. Water in the growing season. No water between October and early March
Eventual Height 10cm
Eventual Spread 50-60cm
Hardiness Hardy in the UK but best under a rain shelter
Opuntia fragilis
Brittle Pricklypear, Little Pricklypear
ex 9cm pots
Availability: In stock
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