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Aloe maculata 'Giant Form'

Soap Aloe, Spotted Aloe, Zebra Aloe
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Cold-tolerant but frost-tender Aloe
  • Broad impressive habit
  • Foliage mottled with pale linear spots arranged in bands
  • Drought tolerant
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Aloe maculata, the Soap Aloe (and often referred to by one of its synonyms, Aloe saponaria) is a highly ornamental Aloe from a wide distribution range across southern Africa with broad foliage that is heavily mottled with pale spots, often with a linear shape or merged to form an H shape or other more complex shapes that are arranged in loose bandings laterally across the leaf, giving rise to another of its common names, the Zebra Aloe. Mature specimens bear a tall scape with a raceme of coral-coloured flowers that has a distinctive flattened shape at the top.

Aloe maculata is a tough and cold-tolerant Aloe but is not frost hardy. In the UK it needs to be brought indoors in early October and rested with very little water over winter before taking it outside again after the last Spring frosts.

The form listed here is a rarely-offered cultivar that produces very large and relatively fast-growing plants.

Limited quantities.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asphodelaceae
Sub-Family Asphodeloideae
Synonyms Aloe commutata, Aloe commutata var. bicolor, Aloe disticha, Aloe gasterioides, Aloe grahamii, Aloe latifolia, Aloe leptophylla, Aloe leptophylla var. stenophylla, Aloe macracantha, Aloe maculosa, Aloe obscura, Aloe perfoliata var. obscura, Aloe perfoliata var. saponaria, Aloe picta, Aloe picta var. major, Aloe saponaria, Aloe saponaria var. ficksburgensis, Aloe saponaria var. latifolia, Aloe saponaria var. obscura, Aloe spuria, Aloe trichotoma, Aloe tricolor, Aloe umbellata
Geographical Origin South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana
Cultivation Full sun. Warm sheltered aspect in summer. Indoors in winter. Well-drained loose substrate. Water during summer, completely dry in winter
Eventual Height 40-50cm plus flower spike
Eventual Spread 1m
Hardiness Tender. Cold tolerant but not frost hardy. Will regrow from roots after a mild frost. Best indoors throughout the winter and then brought out into the garden in summer
Aloe maculata 'Giant Form'
Soap Aloe, Spotted Aloe, Zebra Aloe
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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