Hippeastrum × acramannii

Hippeastrum × acramannii

Cereus repandus forma monstrosa

Cereus repandus forma monstrosa

Cereus forbesii

ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Fast-growing tall columnar cactus
  • Long spines and glaucous-blue stem
  • Full sun and well-drained substrate
  • Perfect sculptural houseplant
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Cereus forbesii is a strongly ribbed branching columnar cactus from Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay where it grows at elevations up to 2000 metres. A very fast-growing cactus, Cereus forbesii quickly grows to a tall handsome specimen and makes an ideal and impressive indoors plant with its architectural form, long spines and glaucous-blue stem. It looks perfect in a large terracotta container with a low centre of gravity - a bowl shape is best - and should be placed in a well-lit aspect with plenty of sun. It can be moved - with care - to a patio or sunny balcony during the summer months but make sure that it doesn't get over-watered in the summer showers and that it is protected from potential snail attack. During the winter it should have no water at all and be kept completely dry.

Despite growing at higher altitudes and at relatively southerly latitudes, Cereus forbesii is not particularly cold-hardy. In its natural environment it will experience short episodes of sub-zero temperatures but it is not one to experiment with outdoors in the much harsher and wetter UK winter. If not warm and cosy indoors, it will usually do well - dependant on location - in a cool glasshouse but it is sensible to keep it under a few layers of fleece until mid to late-February

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Cactoideae
Synonyms Cereus cochabambensis, Cereus cochabambensis var. longicarpa, Cereus comarapanus, Cereus hankeanus, Cereus huilunchu, Piptanthocereus comarapanus, Piptanthocereus forbesii, Piptanthocereus forbesii var. bolivianus, Piptanthocereus hankeanus, Piptanthocereus huilunchu, Piptanthocereus labouretianus
Geographical Origin Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay
Cultivation Full sun. A free-draining mineral substrate. Water sparingly in the growing season. No water from mid-October to late February
Eventual Height 2-3m
Eventual Spread 1m
Hardiness Indoors in the winter. Or in a cool glasshouse under fleece. Takes short episodes down to about -2C but needs to be both perfectly dry and above freezing through winter
Cereus forbesii
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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