Aloinopsis spathulata X Nananthus transvaalensis

Aloinopsis spathulata x Nananthus transvaalensis

Elegia elephantina

Elegia elephantina

Titanopsis calcarea

Jewel Plant, Carpet Leaf, Concrete Leaf
ex 9cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Attractive clumping succulent
  • Foliage covered in warty idioblasts
  • Yellow flowers
  • Cold hardy if kept perfectly dry
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Titanopsis calcarea is a curious and rather special mat-forming succulent from Cape Province in South Africa. It has small rosettes of greyish fleshy foliage with small warty idioblasts covering the end of the flaring leaf surface. It slowly forms a clump and produces a yellow flower. In its natural habitat it thrives on alkaline soils, blending in with the rocky shale scree surfaces in which it grows.

Titanopsis calcarea requires full sun and a very well-drained substrate. It adapts well to life as a houseplant in a terracotta container if given an aspect that receives lots of light. A south-facing window-sill is ideal. One of the hardiest of all the South African succulents it is capable of surviving extreme sub-zero temperatures but only if it is kept perfectly dry. If you do experiment with it outside you will need perfect drainage - preferably in a raised bed - with lots of grit, perlite and added limestone together with a rain shelter for the winter.

It needs very little water, even in the growing season and none at all from October through to March. Generally pest-free but - as with all succulents - you should keep a keen lookout for mealybug which can lurk in the folds of the foliage.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Aizoaceae
Sub-Family Ruschioideae
Synonyms Mesembryanthemum calcareum
Geographical Origin South Africa: Cape Province
Cultivation Full sun. Very free-draining alkaline substrate. Ideal houseplant in a well-lit aspect. Limited water
Eventual Height 4-8cm
Eventual Spread 10-20cm
Hardiness Hardy if kept dry. But best as a container-grown houseplant that can be placed outside in the summer. Keep indoors for winter. If you do try it outdoors it must be kept perfectly dry under a rain-shelter
Titanopsis calcarea
Jewel Plant, Carpet Leaf, Concrete Leaf
ex 9cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
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