Mirabilis jalapa seeds

Mirabilis jalapa seeds

Ipomoea lobata seeds

Firecracker Vine, Fire Vine, Spanish Flag
Availability: Sold Out
As low as £1.99
Quick Overview
  • Quick-growing tropical vine
  • Spectacular yellow and orange/red inflorescences
  • Prolific flowering throughout the summer
  • Tender annual
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Ipomoea lobata, Firecracker Vine is a fast growing climber that very quickly reaches an impressive height when grown from seed, rapidly becoming a large vine. The spectacular flowers appear in summer and it continues flowering right through to the late autumn when the autumn chill finally stops its growth. The flowers are tubular and ranked to one side, the flowers at the bottom of the inflorescence are yellow while those at the top are reddish-orange. They open from the bottom, the filaments and anthers appearing on the yellow flowers, the yellow colour working its way up as slowly the red flowers turn yellow and then open.

The growth is so rapid and the inflorescences so beautiful and prolific it is hard not to be horticulturally gob-smacked by this plant. Make sure you have a supporting structure in place for it to grow up for although it is not a heavy vine the sheer mass of tangled vines will be impossible to extricate to another position.

The vine dies back in late autumn as the night-time temperatures do their worst. It will produce plenty of seed for you to grow it again the following year.

Additional Information

Order Solanales
Family Convolvulaceae
Synonyms Convolvulus mina, Ipomoea mina, Mina cordata, Mina lobata, Quamoclit lobata, Quamoclit pallescens
Geographical Origin Mexico, Brazil
Cultivation Rich well-drained soil. Full or partial sun. Provide support for it to climb up. Water well in the growing season
Eventual Height 2-4m
Eventual Spread 2-3m
Hardiness Tender. Treat as an annual in the UK
Ipomoea lobata seeds
Firecracker Vine, Fire Vine, Spanish Flag
Availability: Sold Out
As low as £1.99
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