Saxifraga stolonifera, Creeping Saxifrage is an easy no-fuss evergreen or semi-evergreen perennial with highly attractive scalloped-edged foliage that is dark green with darker greyish-green or pinkish-maroon markings and covered in fine silvery hairs on the upper surface. The lower abaxial surface is by contrast a stunning deep reddish-purple. Creeping Saxifrage produces long thin pinkish-red stolons from which new plants form. This growing habit makes it ideal both as a groundcover in a shady protected aspect or as a hanging plant where the elongated stolons are shown off at their elegant best - with the many small plantlets suspended below. As if all this wasn't enough it sends out masses of delicate white butterfly-like flowers in the summer. The two lower petals are larger and the three or four smaller upper petals are white with tiny red-purple markings.
Saxifraga stolonifera is an easy plant to grow, requiring a moist yet well-drained soil. A little perlite added to the potting mix will keep it light and well-aereated. Outdoors it requires a shady or semi-shady spot and its tolerance of low light levels makes it an outstanding houseplant.
Additional Information
Order | Saxifragales |
Family | Saxifragaceae |
Synonyms | Adenogyna sarmentosa, Aphomonix hederacea, Diptera cuscutiformis, Diptera sarmentosa, Ligularia sarmentosa, Robertsonia sarmentosa, Rupifraga cuscutiformis, Rupifraga sarmentosa, Saxifraga chaffanjonii, Saxifraga chinensis, Saxifraga cuscutiformis, Saxifraga dumetorum, Saxifraga fortunei var. tricolor, Saxifraga iochanensis, Saxifraga ligulata, Saxifraga sarmentosa, Saxifraga sarmentosa var. cuscutiformis, Saxifraga sarmentosa var. immaculata, Saxifraga sarmentosa var. tricolor, Saxifraga stolonifera f. cuscutiformis , Saxifraga stolonifera var. immaculata, Saxifraga veitchiana, Sekika cyclaminea, Sekika sarmentosa |
Geographical Origin | Pyrenees |
Cultivation | Well-drained soil that retains just enough moisture during the heat of summer. Watch out for black-fly as they often lurk in the rosettes |
Eventual Height | Foliage to 10cm, flowers to 35m |
Eventual Spread | Spreading |
Hardiness | Fully hardy |