Sedum album
White Stonecrop, Jelly Bean Stonecrop, Jelly Bean Sedum
ex 9cm pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Beautiful green, ovate, globular foliage with white flowers
  • Hardy, ground-covering Sedum
  • Drought-resistant
  • Ideal for green roofs or vertical gardens
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Sedum album, White Stonecrop, is a low-growing groundcover with attractive ovate succulent foliage and white flowers. The shape and form of the foliage make this a very desirable Sedum and the flowers are a bonus. It is completely hardy and ideal for gravel gardens in amongst larger, more sculptural succulents or cascading down rocks or walls. It can very easily be used for a green roof project. This is a fabulous Sedum: versatile, hardy and attractive - it deserves to be grown more widely.

Sedum album is sometimes encountered in garden centres under the erroneous synonym, Sedum athoum. This is because they have just been imported straight from Dutch growers who don't care much about correct labels. Better to buy correctly labeled British-grown plants.

Additional Information

Order Saxifragales
Family Crassulaceae
Sub-Family Sempervivoideae
Synonyms Leucosedum album, Oreosedum album, Oreosedum serpentini, Sedum album subsp. micranthum, Sedum athoum, Sedum clusianum, Sedum gombertii, Sedum micranthum, Sedum serpentini, Sedum teretifolium, Sedum vermiculifolium
Geographical Origin Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, Siberia
Cultivation Dry, gravelly, well-drained gritty soil. Sun, tolerates some shade. Appreciates being well-watered during hot dry weather, Ideal in a rock garden, a gravel garden, a green roof or sprawling from the nooks and crannnies of a dry-stone wall
Eventual Height 4-8cm
Eventual Spread Spreading to form a mat
Hardiness Hardy
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Sedum album
White Stonecrop, Jelly Bean Stonecrop, Jelly Bean Sedum
ex 9cm pot
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