Opuntia chisosensis SB992 Brewster Co, TX
Chisos Mountains Prickly Pear, Chisos Prickly Pear
ex 2L pot
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Vigorous hardy Prickly Pear
  • Erect habit with large glaucous cladodes
  • Yellow flowers
  • Drought resistant
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Opuntia chisosensis, Chisos Mountains Prickly Pear is a tough upright Opuntia with large cladodes that have a distinctive pale blue appearance and long golden spines. On new cladodes the spines emanate from the areoles on the upper portion. It is found at high elevations in the Chisos Mountains and east into Coahuila, Mexico - again at high elevation - in the Sierra del Carmen. This seed collection was gathered by prolific seed collector, Steve Brack.

Opuntia chisosensis is sometimes considered a variety of Opuntia lindheimeri, which itself is sometimes considered a variety of Opuntia engelmannii. As with all things Opuntia, taxonomy is a thorny issue. Regional variation and natural hybridisation further complicates matters. Observing regional origins and recording variational differences have always been at the heart of cactus collection best practice. It has always seemed to me more worthwhile to note these differences rather than lump together plants under one specific label. Growing both these species side by side at our nursery the differences between this Trans-Pecos collection of Opuntia chisosensis and a collection of Opuntia lindheimeri from east of the Pecos River are very obvious. Opuntia chisosensis has very distinctive glaucous cladodes and not the green cladodes of Opuntia lindhemeri. The cladodes of Opuntia chisosensis tend to be more obovate rather that those of Opuntia lindheimeri which tend to be larger and more obovate to orbiculate. And geographically and topographically there is no overlap between these two species. Opuntia lindeheimeri predominates east of the Pecos River in mesic soils and - in those few locations that it does occur west of the Pecos River - it is found in canyons. Opuntia chisosensis by contrast, is found on rocky ground at high elevations in the Chisos Mountains and the Sierra del Carmen. 

This is an Opuntia that has got everything going for it: a handsome upright habit, strong vigorous growth, golden-yellow spines contrasting against blue-grey cladodes, glochids that aren't too troublesome (as far as glochids go) and - most importantly of all - extreme cold tolerance that will see it surviving sub-zero temperatures down to about -15C if kept completely dry.

One of the best Opuntias for the cold wet and very variable growing conditions of the UK.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Opuntioideae
Synonyms Opuntia engelmannii subsp. lindheimeri (Accepted), Opuntia lindheimeri var. aciculata, Opuntia lindheimeri var. chisosensis, Opuntia lindheimeri var. cuija, Opuntia lindheimeri var. cyclodes, Opuntia lindheimeri var. dulcis, Opuntia lindheimeri var. ellisiana, Opuntia lindheimeri var. lehmannii, Opuntia lindheimeri var. linguiformis, Opuntia lindheimeri var. littoralis, Opuntia lindheimeri var. subarmata, Opuntia lindheimeri var. tricolor
Geographical Origin USA: Texas; Mexico: Coahuila
Cultivation Full sun. Warm sheltered aspect. Well-drained gritty alkaline substrate. Keep dry in winter
Eventual Height 2 m
Eventual Spread 2-3 m
Hardiness Hardy down to at least -15C if given free-draining substrate and kept dry in winter
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Customer Reviews

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  1. Lovely plant.
    Large healthy Opuntia speedily delivered and well packaged.Ideal.

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  2. Perfect
    Bought 2 of these wonderful Prickly Pears. Another great plant, expertely packaged. This company is the only plant company I know of that takes such care and detail when descibing their plants - this website is like a treasure trove of information - all the other sites are trying to sell you something with minimal and often dodgy content - you get the feel here that Tropical Britiain really cares about their plants and what they do - unsurpassed, in my opinion. Thank you, again

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  3. Perfect
    This is a mighty fine Opuntia, large glaucous pads - thank you. Another splendid delivery from Tropical Britain - a great plant, expertely packaged. This company is the only plant company I know of that takes such care and detail when descibing their plants - this website is like a treasure trove of information - all the other sites are trying to sell you something with minimal and often dodgy content - you get the feel here that Tropical Britiain really cares about their plants and what they do - unsurpassed, in my opinion. Thank you, again

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3 Item(s)

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Opuntia chisosensis SB992 Brewster Co, TX
Chisos Mountains Prickly Pear, Chisos Prickly Pear
ex 2L pot
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