Setaria palmifolia (Palm Grass) is an elegant broad-leaved tropical grass which resembles a tall palm seedling as it grows up from the jungle floor and over the course of a season it will form an attractive clump of lush jungle-like foliage. Its pleated arching foliage is one of the most visually pleasing of all the grass species and it is a perfect accompaniment to any jungle planting. In the tropics it can grow to 2-3m in height but in the UK it will usually grow to between 90-100 cm. Unless you live in a totally frost-free locality, Setaria palmifolia is not hardy and must be brought indoors for the winter for replanting out again after the danger of frost has passed. A true grass, it sets masses of tiny seed and it is not uncommon to find it has self-seeded the following Spring. It makes an ideal pot plant in the kitchen or bathroom during the winter. During the colder months - even indoors - its leaves tend to yellow and die back. Snip them off as they yellow.
Highly recommended.
Additional Information
Order | Poales |
Family | Poaceae |
Sub-Family | Panicoideae |
Synonyms | Agrostis plicata, Chaetochloa effusa, Chaetochloa palmifolia, Chaetochloa sulcata, Chamaeraphis effusa, Chamaeraphis nepalensis, Chamaeraphis neurodes, Chamaeraphis palmifolia, Chamaeraphis paniculifera, Chamaeraphis sulcata, Panicum amplissimum, Panicum kleinianum, Panicum lene, Panicum mexicanum, Panicum nepalense, Panicum nervosum, Panicum neurodes, Panicum neurodes var. amplissimum, Panicum neurodes var. lene, Panicum palmaefolium, Panicum palmatum, Panicum palmifolia, Panicum palmifolium, Panicum paniculiferum, Panicum plicatum, Panicum speciosum, Panicum sulcatum, Setaria effusa, Setaria lenis, Setaria paniculifera, Setaria sulcata |
Geographical Origin | Pan-global throughout the Tropics |
Cultivation | Very easy and tolerant. A warm aspect with sun and dappled shade is ideal with a moist soil |
Eventual Height | 2m in the Tropics - up to 90cm in the UK |
Eventual Spread | Clump-forming but its size in the UK is limited by the length of the growing season. It regularly self-seeds |
Hardiness | Tender, it needs to be over-wintered indoors or in a totally frost-free (heated) glasshouse. Bring indoors from September onwards as the leaves start to yellow |