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Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea'
Fritillaria Lutea Maxima, Frittillaria Maxima Lutea, Fritillaria Yellow Crown Imperial, Fritillaria Yellow Kaiser's Crown
Very large bulbs
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £4.99 Special Price £2.75
  • Buy 2 for £2.55 each and save 7%
  • Buy 4 for £2.45 each and save 11%
Quick Overview
  • Tall-growing exotic bulbous-perennial
  • Large bell-shaped yellow flowers
  • A coronet of upright green leaf bracts
  • Fully hardy
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Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea' is the yellow flowering cultivar of the Crown Imperial Frittillaria. A tall, robust, bulbous perennial, Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea' has lush foliage and tall stems with a circular panicle of pendulous, yellow bell-shaped flowers crowned with a green topknot of leaf bracts giving it a very exotic look.

Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea' is a very hardy plant but it must have good drainage. Always ensure the bulbs are planted on their side in a bed of grit and sharp sand. This will ensure that water doesn't collect water in the hollow eye from which the new growth emerges.

Additional Information

Order Liliales
Family Liliaceae
Sub-Family Lilioideae
Synonyms Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea Maxima', Fritillaria imperiallis 'Maxima Lutea', Fritillaria 'Yellow Crown Imperial', Fritillaria aintabensis, Fritillaria corona-imperialis, Fritillaria imperialis var. longipetala, Fritillaria imperialis var. maxima, Fritillaria imperialis var. rubra-maxima, Imperialis comosa, Imperialis coronata, Imperialis superba, Lilium persicum
Geographical Origin Yellow horticultural cultivar: type species from Central Asia
Cultivation Full sun. A very well-drained alkaline substrate, placing the bulbs on their side in a thick bed of sharp sand and grit. Feed well in the summer and mulch in the winter
Eventual Height 1m
Eventual Spread Clumping and spreading to 1m or more
Hardiness Fully hardy
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Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea'
Fritillaria Lutea Maxima, Frittillaria Maxima Lutea, Fritillaria Yellow Crown Imperial, Fritillaria Yellow Kaiser's Crown
Very large bulbs
Regular Price £4.99 Special Price £2.75
  • Buy 2 for £2.55 each and save 7%
  • Buy 4 for £2.45 each and save 11%
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