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Bessara elegans
Coral Drops
Small but flowering size bulbs
Availability: Sold Out
  • Buy 3 for £0.75 each and save 5%
  • Buy 5 for £0.69 each and save 13%
  • Buy 10 for £0.59 each and save 25%
Quick Overview
  • Stunning red flowers with striking patterns on the undersides
  • Pendant blooms
  • Linear foliage
  • Half-hardy
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Bessara elegans, Coral Drops, is a herbaceous geophyte with a wide geographical range across southern and Central Mexico. It has long linear foliage and in late summer to early autumn it produces what are some of the most gorgeous flowers it is possible to grow in the UK. The are delicate, bell-shaped and scarlet-orange and hang down in an umbel from a tall scape in a way that makes it quite difficult to see the underside of the flower - which is undoubtedly the most beautiful view. By getting down at a low angle you will see the striking pale orange patterning on the petals, the darker mid-stripe and the extraordinary green pollen and contrasting purple pistil.

Not fully hardy outdoors in most parts of the UK, Bessara elegans is best treated like other half-hardy geophytes, digging up the corms and planting them again in mid to late spring when the worst of the cold weather has passed. If you garden in a warm micro-climate that is also fairly dry in winter you may like to try them outdoors, planting in a well-drained substrate with plenty of sand and perlite added to the mix and covering with a generous layer of fine-textured bark mulch.

They are also effective planted in tall containers where the height of the pot will make it easier to appreciate the undersides of the pendant flowers.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asparagaceae
Sub-Family Brodiaeoideae
Synonyms Bessera fistulosa, Bessera herbertii, Bessera miniata, Bessera multiflora, Pharium elegans, Pharium fistulosum, Pharium herbertii
Geographical Origin Mexico
Cultivation Good drainage. Sand and grit added to the mix is essential. Surround the corms in a bed of gritty sand. Warm, sunny spot. Will tolerate some shade. Keep dry and warm in winter
Eventual Height 60cm
Eventual Spread 40cm
Hardiness Half-hardy. In most regions of the UK, the corms will need to be lifted and kept dry for winter. They can also be grown in pots and overwintered in a frost-free glasshouse
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Bessara elegans
Coral Drops
Small but flowering size bulbs
  • Buy 3 for £0.75 each and save 5%
  • Buy 5 for £0.69 each and save 13%
  • Buy 10 for £0.59 each and save 25%
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