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Prunus lusitanica
Portuguese Laurel, Portuguese Cherry Laurel
ex 3.3L pot - biig bushy plants - to .8m tall
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Attractive evergreen foliage
  • Delicate white flowers
  • Ideal windbreak
  • Fully hardy


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Prunus lusitanica, the Portuguese Laurel, is native to the southwest Mediterranean. An attractive evergreen tree with a very pleasing dark green foliage and contrasting reddish-purple stems, it forms a large shrub or medium to large-sized tree that is an excellent addition to the exotic garden. Its handsome glossy foliage has a bluish sheen and creates a dense vegetative mass that can form an ideal informal windbreak providing protection and shelter to smaller and less-hardy plants. It is often sold as a hedge plant and in larger gardens can be used to form the boundaries of garden rooms. My favourite use of Portuguese laurel however, is as a single specimen tree where it can show off its foliage and racemes of delicate white flowers to greatest effect and at the same time provide localised protection to more tender exotics. Its leaves superficially resemble Arbutus unedo or - to a lesser extent - Laurus nobilis and provide endless possibilities for imaginative combinations with other more showy plants that can bring its Mediterranean qualities to life. Pruning the side shoots and thinning it to one rising leader to grow it tall is another creative way to bring out the best of this wonderful hardy evergreen.

These plants are a great bargain.

Additional Information

Order Rosales
Family Rosaceae
Sub-Family Amygdaloideae
Synonyms Cerasus lusitanica, Laurocerasus lusitanica, Padus lusitanica
Geographical Origin Southwest Mediterranean including Southern France, Portugal and Spain.
Cultivation Sun or partial shade. Tolerant of most soil types but likes good drainage.
Eventual Height 10-15 m
Eventual Spread 3-6 m
Hardiness Fully hardy
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Prunus lusitanica
Portuguese Laurel, Portuguese Cherry Laurel
ex 3.3L pot - biig bushy plants - to .8m tall
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