Xanthosoma violaceum, Blue Tannia, Purple Taro or Purple Elephant's Ear, is now considered taxonomically to be a synonym of Xanthosoma saggittifolium. This scientific state of affairs tends to make it somewhat difficult for exotic gardeners who have always known it as Xanthosoma violaceum and who are unlikely to change their everyday usage of the name any time soon. Given the distinct and very dramatic difference in the colour of the stem and leaf ribs it would seem at least useful to have this named as Xanthosoma saggitifoium 'Violet Form'. However, in this instance, rather than bang my head against the wall until it hurts, I am simply going to list it here under the name we have all known it as for decades...
Xanthosoma violaceum
...and what a plant it is!
Striking dark purple stems with a blueish sheen holding aloft enormous bold saggittate leaves... and on the undersides of the foliage there are bold purple ribs. The leaf-edges often display a darker margin.
Xanthosoma violaceum is a robust aroid that quickly grows to form an enormous specimen and this combination of monster-size and stunning colour is something of a show-stopper...
...if only it was hardy!
It isn't...and you will need to keep it indoors and dryish throughout the winter for it to go crazy all over again the following summer...
Additional Information
Order | Alismatales |
Family | Araceae |
Sub-Family | Aroideae |
Synonyms | Alocasia talihan, Arum nigrum, Arum sagittifolium, Arum xanthorrhizon, Caladium edule, Caladium mafaffa, Caladium sagittifolium, Caladium utile, Caladium xanthorrhizon, Philodendron nigrum, Xanthosoma appendiculatum, Xanthosoma atrovirens, Xanthosoma atrovirens var. appendiculatum, Xanthosoma atrovirens var. hybridum, Xanthosoma atrovirens var. kochii, Xanthosoma atrovirens var. moritzii, Xanthosoma atrovirens var. panduriforme, Xanthosoma atrovirens var. versicolor, Xanthosoma aureum, Xanthosoma blandum, Xanthosoma edule, Xanthosoma ianthinum, Xanthosoma jacquinii, Xanthosoma maculatum, Xanthosoma mafaffa, Xanthosoma mafaffa var. blandum, Xanthosoma monstruosum, Xanthosoma nigrum, Xanthosoma panduriforme, Xanthosoma peregrinum, Xanthosoma poeppigii var. mafaffa, Xanthosoma roseum, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Xanthosoma utile, Xanthosoma wallisii, Xanthosoma xantharrhizon |
Geographical Origin | Tropical America: naturalised and cultivated throughout the tropics |
Cultivation | Warm sunny or semi shady position with ample water in the summer. Lift the tubers for storage over winter |
Eventual Height | 2m |
Eventual Spread | 2-3m |
Hardiness | Tender |