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Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty'

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Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Cardiocrinum giganteum
Giant Himalayan Lily, Giant Lily
ex 5L tall pots - Large established plants - Enormous!
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £25.99 Special Price £23.99
Quick Overview
  • Enormous majestic lily
  • Greenish-white trumpet-shaped flowers streaked with purple
  • Towering racemes on a thick stem 
  • Huge basal rosettes of glossy ovate leaves
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Cardiocrinum giganteum, the Giant Himalayan Lily is a plant which needs no introduction to most exotic gardeners, its enormous rosettes of glossy foliage and towering racemes of fragrant flowers have given it a legendary status.

Growing in the Himalayas to elevations of 3600m it was first described in 1824 by Nathaniel Wallich as Lilium giganteum during the time he was Superintendent at the East India Company's Botanical Garden in Calcutta but it wasn't until July 1852 that it first flowered in the United Kingdom at the Cunningham Nursery in Edinburgh. It has been impressing horticulturalists ever since...

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Additional Information

Order Liliales
Family Liliaceae
Sub-Family Lilioideae
Synonyms Cardiocrinum mirabile, Lilium cordifolium subsp. giganteum, Lilium giganteum, Lilium mirabile
Geographical Origin Tibet, Bhutan, Assam, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim
Cultivation Moist, humus-rich soil. Dig in well-rotted manure and bonemeal. Protect proactively from hungry molluscs. A protected, sheltered, wind-free spot in shade or dappled-shade. Keep well watered during dry spells and feed during the growing season
Eventual Height 3-4m
Eventual Spread 1-1.5m
Hardiness Hardy bulbous perennial, surviving in most parts of the UK, tolerating temperatures down to about -10C. Mulch in autumn
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Cardiocrinum giganteum
Giant Himalayan Lily, Giant Lily
ex 5L tall pots - Large established plants - Enormous!
Regular Price £25.99 Special Price £23.99
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