Opuntia stricta is a wide-ranging Opuntia endemic to the Southeastern states of the USA, growing in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina, Alabama and Georgia as well as other parts of Central America, the northern coastline of some parts of South America and the West Indies. It is often found along coastal margins, sometimes growing in the sand right down to the dunes near sea level and has a high tolerance of moisture and salt. It is a variable species and as well as being tolerant of wet conditions it is also remarkably cold tolerant and is hardy in the UK and Europe down to at least -18 C if given a very well-drained alkaline soil.
Opuntia stricta grows vigourously to about 2m with a much branched bushy, sometimes erect, sometimes sprawling decumbent or prostrate habit, the basal stem-segments often thickening to form a trunk but remaining a low shrubby plant. It has large rather attractive cladodes that are relatively lightly-spined but the spines are quite stout and fierce. Needless to say, the glochids are also somewhat formidible. It has canary yellow flowers with yellow stigmas and elongated purplish-red edible fruit.
Additional Information
Order | Caryophyllales |
Family | Cactaceae |
Sub-Family | Opuntioideae |
Synonyms | Cactus dillenii, Cactus strictus, Consolea bahamana, Opuntia airampo, Opuntia anahuacensis, Opuntia atrocapensis, Opuntia bahamana, Opuntia bartramii, Opuntia bentonii, Opuntia cyanella, Opuntia dillenii, Opuntia gilvoalba, Opuntia gomei, Opuntia horrida, Opuntia humilis, Opuntia inermis, Opuntia keyensis, Opuntia laxiflora, Opuntia longiclada, Opuntia macrarthra, Opuntia magnifica, Opuntia maritima, Opuntia nitens, Opuntia ochrocentra var. inermis, Opuntia parva, Opuntia spinalba, Opuntia stricta var. dillenii, Opuntia tenuiflora, Opuntia tunoides, Opuntia vulgaris var. balearica, Opuntia zebrina |
Geographical Origin | Southeastern states of USA, Central America, West Indies, northern coastline of South America |
Cultivation | Full sun. Well-drained gritty, sandy alkaline substrate |
Eventual Height | 2 m |
Eventual Spread | 2-3 m |
Hardiness | Hardy down to at least -18C if given free-draining substrate |