Opuntia humifusa
Eastern Prickly Pear, Indian Fig, Devil's Tongue
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Very hardy cactus
  • Tolerates winter wet and hard frosts
  • Yellow flower in June
  • Full sun and good drainage
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Opuntia humifusa is endemic to Northeastern USA and over the border into Ontario, Canada. It grows on sandy soils, rocky outcrops or on cliffs and bluffs, tolerating extensive winter wet, long periods of sub-zero temperatures, heavy frost and deep snowfall. Of all the many Opuntia species that are fully hardy in the UK, Opuntia humifusa is probaby the most suitable for British conditions, tolerating wetter conditions than most Opuntias. Typically in a cold winter, it shrivels somewhat, its skin crinkling and turning purple but when the warm weather of Spring rolls around again, it regains condition and growth is rapid, sprouting many new cladodes.

It quickly forms small prostrate clumps, its cladodes typically growing sideways until they reach the ground and re-root. It often has few or even absent spines but the dense tufts of glochids need to be treated with respect and a thick pair of gloves. Its yellow flowers appear in early summer, typically in June and are followed by the prickly pears, which slowly turn from green through yellow to purple. They are edible as are the cladodes themselves.

A very easy cactus to grow, Opuntia humifusa is probably the best Opuntia to start with if you havn't yet begun to grow cacti outdoors in the UK. All it needs is a sunny aspect and a sandy, free-draining substrate.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Opuntioideae
Synonyms Cactus compressus, Cactus humifusus, Cactus opuntia var. nana, Opuntia austrina, Opuntia calcicola, Opuntia compressa, Opuntia compressa var. austrina, Opuntia compressa var. fuscoatra, Opuntia fuscoatra, Opuntia humifusa var. austrina, Opuntia humifusa var. humifusa, Opuntia humifusa subsp. humifusa, Opuntia impedata, Opuntia mesacantha, Opuntia rafinesquei
Geographical Origin NE USA and Ontario, Canada
Cultivation Full sun. Free-draining sandy soil
Eventual Height 60cm
Eventual Spread 1.5m
Hardiness Fully hardy. It loses condition throughout the winter, shrivelling and turning pinkish-purple but bounces back in the Spring
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Customer Reviews

4 Item(s)

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  1. Very good
    Fast delivery and a great quality plant: Large potful of plant, has lots of pads and in very good condition especially considering the time of year

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  2. Perfect
    Bought this for my rock and desert garden and is a perefct addition! Plant is a good size and brilliant quality, well worth it fir any cactus fan

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  3. Exactly what I wanted
    This was part of my order for plants to illustrate adaptations in a new Science Garden at the local High School. I wanted some "head turners" and Opuntia does the trick. The plant was big and in perfect condition. I planted it in the recommended mix and covered the whole bed with an open-ended polythene tunnel in October. After the wettest winter on record here in the NE and the wind ripping part of the tunnel, they have all come through in great condition. The Opuntia has two new "pads" coming.

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  4. good product
    opuntia recieved in march so still in winter mode and a bit floppy,wrinkly but this was expected and will no doubt pick up as watering is increased.good plant tho with good root system

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4 Item(s)

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Opuntia humifusa
Eastern Prickly Pear, Indian Fig, Devil's Tongue
ex 1.5L pot
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