Tricyrtis hirta, the Toad Lily, is a wonderful hardy perennial from Japan that favours a moist shady position sheltered from strong winds. They grow vertically and form a dense colony with attractive deep green oblong-shaped foliage that is randomly dotted with darker green spots. It is for the exotic flowers, however, that Tricyrtis hirta is grown. Borne in autumn, at a time when most other plants have long since stopped flowering, the blooms are an exquisite and delicate treat to the eye. A pale white star shape, the six tepals are speckled with tiny dark purple spots with a central yellow circle and an ornate purple-spotted stigma. Absolutely gorgeous.
These showy and very desirable plants are extremely easy to grow but do need protection from slugs and snails who seem to find the foliage somewhat tasty.
Highly recommended.
Additional Information
Order | Liliales |
Family | Liliaceae |
Sub-Family | Calochortoideae |
Synonyms | Compsoa hirta, Tricyrtis hirta var. albescens, Tricyrtis hirta f. albescens, Tricyrtis hirta f. atropurpurea, Tricyrtis hirta var. masamunei, Tricyrtis hirta var. minor, Tricyrtis hirta f. nivea, Tricyrtis hirta var. ramosissima, Tricyrtis hirta var. saxicola, Tricyrtis japonica, Tricyrtis masamunei, Uvularia hirta |
Geographical Origin | Japan |
Cultivation | Partial shade to full shade, but tolerating some sun. A warm wind-sheltered position is ideal as the plants grow quite tall when flowering. Likes a moist humus-rich slightly acidic soil. Protect from slugs and snails |
Eventual Height | 1m |
Eventual Spread | Spreads slowly to form a dense clumping colony: 50cm-1m |
Hardiness | Hardy. Appreciates a winter mulch |
Truly Magical Plant!I have another Hirta which is notably different, this one has taller growth and the leaves are considerably larger. I can't get enough of this gem.
I will get the variegated one too.
It hasn't flowered yet but growth is strong and it settled in well to a shaded part of a rockery under a pine tree.Posted on
Positive outcomeNot only did I find the plant I was looking for at Tropical Britain, but also the whole procedure from purchasing it to receiving it went absolutely according to plan, and the Tricyrtis hirta arrived in perfect condition.
Thank you Tropical Britain.Posted on