Amorphophallus napalensis, is endemic to the Eastern Himalayan region where it is found at high altitude in India, including Sikkim and Assam, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and the northwesterm corner of Myanmar. Its inflorescence has a spectacular large sail-like spathe - up to 50cm long - a pale creamy yellow on the interior and more greenish on the outside, with a stout but long spadix that is brownish-mauve at the base with creamy yellow wart-like protuberances on the top half. Like most Amorphophallus species its inflorescence has an unpleasant aroma, but that of course, is half its charm. Its large umbrella like compound leaves with mottled leopard-spotted petioles follow on after the inflorescence has emerged, reaching up to 1m tall.
It requires a warm semi-shaded postion and a humus-rich but very well-drained soil and is best planted surrounded by generous quantites of sand and coarse bark with larger grade shingle to lessen any chance of the tuber rotting. It is best to give it less water rather than more and given a seaweed fertiliser at the same time. Once the leaf starts to yellow in late summer or early autumn, stop watering and keep it dry by placing a protective sheet of plastic around the plant before lifting for the winter once the leaf has died back. It is not worth attempting to keep Amorphophallus napalensis in the ground over the winter and there is nothing to gain and everything to lose by trying. Keep it stored dry in a frost free environment for the winter and plant again in March.
Additional Information
Order | Alismatales |
Family | Araceae |
Sub-Family | Aroideae |
Synonyms | Allopythion hookeri, Arum grandiflorum, Pythonium wallichianum, Thomsonia hookeri, Thomsonia napalensis |
Geographical Origin | Eastern Himalayans: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, NW Myanmar |
Cultivation | Warm, sheltered, slightly shady position, ideally with high humidity. A humus-rich well-drained soil |
Eventual Height | 1m |
Eventual Spread | 1m |
Hardiness | Cold tolerant. Tubers are best dug up and stored over winter |