Zantedeschia albomaculata, the White Spotted Arum is an exceptionally beautiful Arum with an elegant creamy white inflorescence - often with a dark purplish black throat - and a yellow spadix. Its very exotic foliage is speckled with highly attractive white markings. The inflorescence of Zantedeschia albomaculata superficially resembles that of Zantedeschia aethiopica but is different in both size and shape as well as overall colour tone being a more creamy ivory white. It differs too in cultivational requirements from Zantedeschia aethiopica which is a bog plant and enjoys having its roots in water. If you over-water Zantedeschia albomaculata however, it will rot. It needs to be planted in a very well-drained sandy gritty substrate with some bone meal but little or no other water-retaining organic matter and let its roots search for the nutrients in the richer layers below while the bulb stays dry. The average British wet summer is often too wet for it and in general it should be given no more extra water than what nature provides. Zantedeschia albomaculata is also less cold-tolerant that Zantedeschia aethiopica and in most regions its bulbs will need to be lifted in the Autumn and stored completely dry ready to be planted out in the Spring once the soil has started to warm up a little. Depending on weather and latitude this may be as early as March but there is no harm in delaying it a little if necessary. A general rule of thumb is the later planted out the better. Most people make the mistake of planting Zantedeschia albomaculata too early or - misled by inaccurate cultivational notes - make the mistake of planting them near the wet soggy ground of a pond. Don't do it ! They will rot ! A well-drained position is a must. When planting the bulbs only give them a very little water - if any at all - and position them in full sun or semi-shade. If in full sun a mulch may be needed to keep the roots cool during hot weather.
Zantedeschia albomaculata is a stately Arum, less often grown than Zantedeschia aethiopica and if its very different water requirements are understood it is a very straight-forward plant to grow. With its exotic foliage and serene inflorescence it creates a wonderful addition to any garden.
Additional Information
Order | Alismatales |
Family | Araceae |
Sub-Family | Aroideae |
Synonyms | Richardia albomaculata, Zantedeschia melanoleuca, Zantedeschia tropicalis var. tropicalis |
Geographical Origin | South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya |
Cultivation | Well-drained soil is essential. Full sun or semi-shade |
Eventual Height | 60cm |
Eventual Spread | 50-90cm |
Hardiness | Not hardy in most regions. The bulbs hate the combination of cold and wet and should be lifted and stored dry over winter |