Pleioblastus viridistriatus, Dwarf Green-Striped Bamboo or Kamuro-Zasa in Japanese is a stunning variegated low-growing bamboo with near-luminous yellow foliage and green striations. It is perfect for a dull partially shaded aspect in the garden where the bright foliage will bring it alive. The foliage is so strongly variegated that it dominates the leaf colour and the natural green colour is reduced to thin stripes. The intensity of this yellow variegation creates quite a different effect from the white-variegated bamboos which are more subdued in colour. Like all bamboos, Pleioblastus viridistriatus appreciates a moist fertile substrate and although tolerating sun it does best in semi-shade.
There are just two further cultivation requirements for growing Pleioblastus viridistriatus successfully. Chopping it back every winter is an important but easy-to-forget task that will ensure the foliage produced is vibrant, vigorous and spectacular. The other important factor is to remember this is a spreading bamboo. It may be low in height but it does grow extensively. For this reason, you need to assess your growing area carefully. In a wide open space in a large garden away from buildings and hard landscaping it is fine and will form a large low miniature bamboo forest. If however - like most people - you have a smaller garden and the close proximity of buildings then you will need to confine its roots. A container is best.
Additional Information
Order | Poales |
Family | Poaceae |
Sub-Family | Bambusoideae |
Synonyms | Arundinaria auricoma, Arundinaria fortunei var. aurea, Arundinaria variabilis var. viridistriata, Arundinaria variegata var. viridistriata, Arundinaria viridistriata, Arundinaria viridistriata f. chrysophylla, Bambusa fortunei var. aurea, Bambusa viridistriata, Pleioblastus auricomus, Pleioblastus viridistriatus f. chrysophyllus, Pseudosasa auricoma, Sasa auricoma, Sasa viridistriata, Sasaella viridistriata |
Geographical Origin | Japan |
Cultivation | Moist semi-shade. Avoid scorching sun or dry conditions. Best confined within a defined area from where it can not spread or in a container. Cut back heavily in winter for best foliage |
Eventual Height | 40-60cm |
Eventual Spread | Spreading |
Hardiness | Hardy in the UK |