Musa basjoo inflorescence

Musa basjoo

Hedychium spicatum

Hedychium spicatum

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Arum, Arum Lily, Calla lily, Easter lily, Lily of the Nile, Varkoor
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £9.99 Special Price £8.99
Quick Overview
  • Stunningly Beautiful
  • Flower Border Planting or Water Marginal
  • Large Tropical Foliage
  • Up to 60 - 90 cm in height
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One of those delightful plants that always brings a sense of calmness to the exotic garden. One should never underestimate Zantedeschia aethipica, the humble Arum Lily, for although a relatively familiar sight in gardens all over the world, it has a special soothing effect like no other, particularly if used in displays on a larger planting scale. With its lush jungly leaves bathing the eye in restful green and its large inflorescence - a pure white spathe and yellowish-orange spadix - Zantedeschia aethiopica creates a powerful aura of peace and tranquility. All Zantedeschia aethiopica cultivars should be mulched well over the winter to protect their roots and although the leaves are cut down by the frost they burst vigourously into life again in the spring. Plant in a rich, moist soil and keep watered well throughout the summer. It thrives as a water marginal, where its roots can tap into a ready supply of moisture and also does well as a container plant and can be bought into the conservatory over winter. Zantedeschia aethiopica also looks particularly stunning as an underplanting in a grove of Trachycarpus where its calm stately beauty is a simple reminder of the reasons why we became gardeners in the first place.

Additional Information

Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Sub-Family Aroideae
Synonyms Calla aethiopica, Calla moschata, Colocasia aethiopica, Calla ambigua, Richardia africana, Richardia aethiopica, Pseudohomalomena pastoensis, Otosma aethiopica, Arodes aethiopicum
Geographical Origin South Africa
Cultivation Sun to partial shade. Keep moist during the summer. A spot near water is ideal.
Eventual Height 1 m
Eventual Spread 1 m
Hardiness Root hardy. Can survive very low temperatures even though the foliage is cut down by a hard frost.
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Arum, Arum Lily, Calla lily, Easter lily, Lily of the Nile, Varkoor
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £9.99 Special Price £8.99
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