Scadoxus multiflorus

Scadoxus multiflorus

Tigridia pavonia 'Lilacea'

Tigridia pavonia 'Lilacea'

Tigridia pavonia 'Speciosa'

Tiger Flower, Tiger Iris, Mexican Shellflower, Peacock Flower, Jockey's Cap Lily
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Extremely exotic flowers
  • Red blooms with yellow and white markings
  • Tall foliage
  • Full sun and a well-drained soil
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Tigridia pavonia 'Speciosa' is a selected cultivar of Tigridia pavonia, Mexican Tiger Flower. A member of the Iris family, it has tall-growing linear-like foliage and extraordinary red flowers. Each flower has three broad petals surrounding a circular structure with yellow and some white markings. The overall effect is extremely exotic and an utter delight to the eye.

Tigridia pavonia 'Speciosa' flowers from mid-summer with each flower typically lasting a day or on occasion two days with a succession of flowers following throughout the summer. It is very easy to grow, requiring only a warm sunny aspect and a well-drained soil. The foliage and flowers grow tall so it is best located in a spot that is sheltered from strong winds.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Iridaceae
Sub-Family Iridoideae
Synonyms Beatonia grandiflora, Beatonia lutea, Ferraria pavonia, Ferraria tigridia, Marica tigridia, Moraea grandiflora, Moraea pavonia, Moraea tigridia, Sisyrinchium grandiflorum, Sisyrinchium palmifolium, Tigridia conchiflora, Tigridia grandiflora, Tigridia lutea, Tigridia oxypetala, Tigridia pavonia f. conchiflora, Tigridia pavonia var. conchiflora, Tigridia pringlei, Tigridia speciosa, Vieusseuxia pavonia
Geographical Origin Horticultural cultivar. Type species from Mexico
Cultivation Full sun. A sheltered spot is ideal as they grow tall. Fertile well-drained soil
Eventual Height 1m
Eventual Spread 40cm
Hardiness Tender. Cut back top growth in the autumn and lift bulbs for the winter.
Tigridia pavonia 'Speciosa'
Tiger Flower, Tiger Iris, Mexican Shellflower, Peacock Flower, Jockey's Cap Lily
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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