Saxifraga stolonifera

Saxifraga stolonifera

Helleborus niger

Helleborus niger

Sedum reflexum forma cristatum

Stonecrop, Cristate Stonecrop, Crested Stonecrop, Reflexed Stonecrop, Blue Stonecrop, Jenny's Stonecrop, Prick-madam
ex 9cm pot
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Uniquely-shaped crested forms
  • Flattened and elongated stems
  • Ideal for indoor specimen culture
  • Outdoors as a drought-resistant ground-cover
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Sedum reflexum forma cristatum is the cristate form of the Blue or Reflexed Stonecrop and has stems that are flattened and elongated into bizarre shapes with distorted crests. This form of fasciation creates plants that are unique and ideal for nurturing into cherished specimens. Occasionally non-crested stems can form on the same plant and these can be either cut off to preserve the strange beauty or just left on.

Like its non-crested type species, Sedum reflexum forma cristatum is an easy plant to cultivate and likes a free-draining substrate and sun but will tolerate both wet roots and shade and - if grown outdoors - sub-zero temperatures. It is however such a special plant that it is best appreciated indoors, ideally in a terra-cotta or ceramic container where its otherworldly beauty can be observed at close quarters.

Additional Information

Order Saxifragales
Family Crassulaceae
Sub-Family Sempervivoideae
Synonyms Petrosedum rupestre, Sedum rupestre, Sedum pinifolium, Sedum pruniatum, Sedum reflexum 'Cristatum', Sedum rupestre 'Cristatum'
Geographical Origin Europe
Cultivation Dry, gravelly, well-drained soil. Sun, tolerating some shade. Tolerates wet conditions in winter but aim to keep it as well-drained as possible
Eventual Height 6cm
Eventual Spread Spreading to form a large mat
Hardiness Hardy
Sedum reflexum forma cristatum
Stonecrop, Cristate Stonecrop, Crested Stonecrop, Reflexed Stonecrop, Blue Stonecrop, Jenny's Stonecrop, Prick-madam
ex 9cm pot
Availability: In stock
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