Agave mitis var. mitis

Agave mitis var. mitis

Aloe maculata 'Giant Form'

Aloe maculata 'Giant Form'

Saxifraga umbrosa 'Variegata'

Variegated Pyrenean Saxifrage, Variegated London Pride, Variegated St Patrick's Cabbage, Variegated St Paddy's Cabbage, Variegated Shadow Saxifrage
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Boldly variegaed rosettes of thick waxy leaves
  • Masses of white and pink flowers in summer
  • Well-drained soil but moist during summer
  • Hardy, ideal in rockery
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    Saxifraga umbrosa 'Variegata', the variegated form of London Pride or St Patrick's Cabbage, is a bold cultivar with green rosettes liberally splashed with gold. Clumping to slowly form a low ground-hugging blanket, Saxifraga umbrosa 'Variegata' is a tough alpine that combines well with other more exotic plants in a well-drained rocky substrate. Agaves and hardy Aloes work well with this variegated version of London Pride: in particular, plants like Aloe aristata, small or medium-sized variegated Agaves like Agave lechugilla or Agave univittata. Saxifraga umbrosa 'Variegata' can even be used as a carpet around the giant Agave americana 'Marginata'.

    The tall downy panicles of white and pink flowers throughout the summer are a real joy.

    Additional Information

    Order Saxifragales
    Family Saxifragaceae
    Synonyms Geum umbrosum, Hydatica umbrosa, Robertsonia sphaeroidea, Robertsonia umbrosa, Steiranisia punctata
    Geographical Origin Horticutural cultivar. Type species from the Pyrenees
    Cultivation Well-drained soil that retains just enough moisture during the heat of summer. Watch out for black-fly as they can lurk in the rosettes
    Eventual Height Foliage to 10cm, flowers to 35m
    Eventual Spread Spreading
    Hardiness Fully hardy
    Saxifraga umbrosa 'Variegata'
    Variegated Pyrenean Saxifrage, Variegated London Pride, Variegated St Patrick's Cabbage, Variegated St Paddy's Cabbage, Variegated Shadow Saxifrage
    ex 1.5L pot
    Availability: Sold Out
    You could receive 20 Palm Points for writing a review for this product.
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