Beschorneria yuccoides
- Broad silvery-blue Yucca-like foliage
- Magnificent pink and pale-green inflorescence
- Hardy in much of the country, particularly the south
- Drought tolerant
Beschorneria yuccoides is a fabulous Yucca-like plant from Mexico with broad silvery-blue foliage and the most magnificent inflorescence that emerges from mature plants in summer looking like a curious alien creature. The pink peduncle grows rapidly to around 2 metres high and the floral bracts - also pink but with green at their apex - start to unfold revealing the small green flowers with pink pedicels. The entire structure resembles a denizen from a Star Wars bar scene or some horse-eared botanical antenna intent on relaying your every gardening move back to headquarters.
More hardy than it is generally given credit for, it survives perfectly well outside and unprotected at the Nursery, putting up with the usual snow and frosts throughout the winter. Ensure it has a free-draining gritty substrate and a sunny reasonably-sheltered aspect. In colder regions it may need fleece protection but make sure you lift the fleece on milder days so that it doesn't rot under there.
After flowering the central growing point may die back and new offsets form to become the next growing point. If you provide it with enough space it can form a large clump.
There is a spuriously-named 'cultivar' doing the rounds called 'Quick Silver' but as far as I can see there is no difference from the type species.
Additional Information
Order | Asparagales |
Family | Asparagaceae |
Sub-Family | Agavoideae |
Synonyms | Beschorneria hidalgorupicola, Beschorneria yuccoides subsp. yuccoides |
Geographical Origin | Mexico: Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz, |
Cultivation | Well-drained, heavily-gritted, warm spot. Full sun. Limestone in the substrate. Watch out for snails that munch on it and hide among its lower leaves |
Eventual Height | 1-2m |
Eventual Spread | 1-2m |
Hardiness | Hardy to at least -8C depending on its drainage and surrounding shelter and the overall length of sub-zero temperatures. Fleece is a sensible precaution in colder regions but ensure it gets enough air so that it doesn't rot |


- Smaller-Growing Succulents
- Aeonium
- Agave
- Agave americana
- Agave amica
- Agave chrysantha
- Agave cupreata
- Agave deserti
- Agave filifera
- Agave gentryi
- Agave gomezpompae
- Agave havardiana
- Agave horrida ssp horrida
- Agave lechuguilla
- Agave mitis var mitis
- Agave montana
- Agave palmeri
- Agave parryi
- Agave polianthiflora
- Agave striata
- Agave stricta Rubra
- Agave toumeyana
- Agave univittata
- Agave utahensis
- Agave victoriae-reginae - Huasteca Canyon
- Aloe
- Beschorneria
- Bryophyllum
- Dasylirion
- Furcraea
- Hesperaloe
- Hesperoyucca
- Nolina
- Yucca
- Astrophytum
- Austrocylindropuntia
- Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis
- Cereus
- Chamaecereus silvestrii
- Cleistocactus
- Cumulopuntia
- Cylindropuntia
- Echinocereus
- Echinopsis
- Epiphyllum
- Ferocactus
- Gymnocalycium
- Hatiora
- Kroenleinia grusonii
- Lophocereus
- Maihuenia
- Mammillaria
- Matucana
- Myrtillocactus geometrizans
- Opuntia
- Opuntia arenaria SB964
- Opuntia atrispina
- Opuntia basilaris
- Opuntia chisosensis SB992 Brewster Co, TX
- Opuntia cymochila - Brewster Co, TX
- Opuntia engelmannii var. sandia
- Opuntia erinacea
- Opuntia fragilis
- Opuntia humifusa
- Opuntia lindheimeri - Beeville, TX
- Opuntia phaeacantha
- Opuntia pottsii var. nova DJF1441 SW Albuquerque, NM
- Opuntia robusta
- Opuntia sandiana
- Opuntia sanguinicola
- Opuntia stricta
- Opuntia strigil
- Opuntia trichophora
- Oroya peruviana
- Parodia
- Polaskia
- Rhipsalis
- Schlumbergera
- Stenocactus
- Stetsonia
- Tephrocactus
- Alocasia
- Amorphophallus
- Arisaema
- Arum
- Calla
- Caladium
- Colocasia
- Dracunculus
- Monstera
- Helicodiceros muscivorus
- Philodendron
- Pinellia
- Remusatia
- Sauromatum
- Spathantheum
- Typhonium
- Xanthosoma
- Zantedeschia