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Ligularia x palmatiloba

Palm Leaf Ligularia, Palm-leaved Ligularia
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Large dramatic palmate foliage
  • Needs a moist soil and a shady aspect
  • Hardy herbaceous perennial
  • Tall spikes of orange-yellow flowers
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Ligularia x palmatiloba, Palm Leaf Ligularia, is a large vigourous hybrid, a cross bewtween Ligularia dentata and Ligularia japonica. It is an impressive plant with large toothy palmate foliage that creates a very dramatic and exotic atmosphere.

Like all Ligularias it needs a moist and ideally shady spot and will sulk and wilt if it dries out. It forms a clump in time and will occupy a damp location that other plants may struggle with.

The flowers divide opinion. They are large, orangey-yellow and daisy-like. A little too coarse for some tastes. Personally, I rather like them. They remind me of the flowers from another member of the Asteraceae, the genus Espeletia, from the high Páramo of the Columbian Andes. Absolutely magnificent plants. One should always beware of plant snobbery -  it is often the signature of a closed mind. However, it is probably for the jungle-like leaves that you will want to grow Ligularia x palmatiloba. Another absolutely magnificent plant.

Additional Information

Order Asterales
Family Asteraceae
Sub-Family Asteroideae
Geographical Origin Horticultural origin: hybrid parentage from China and Japan
Cultivation Moist soil and a shady or partially shady location is ideal
Eventual Height Flowering racemes can reach 2m when mature
Eventual Spread Clump forming: 2m
Hardiness Fully hardy herbaceous perennial
Ligularia x palmatiloba
Palm Leaf Ligularia, Palm-leaved Ligularia
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
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