Passiflora caerulea flower

Passiflora caerulea

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Billbergia nutans

Trachycarpus fortunei

Windmill Palm, Chusan Palm
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Hardy palm
  • Survives the toughest winters
  • Tall growing
  • Fan-shaped fronds
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Native to China, Trachycarpus fortunei is one of the hardiest of all the palm trees and is capable of growing at a more northerly latitude than any other palm, resisting heavy frost, extreme ice and blizzards of driving snow. It is also one of the most rewarding exotic palms to grow and is extremely easy in cultivation. Once large enough to plant in its permanent position, Trachycarpus fortunei is a relatively fast growing species and given lots of root room, a generous amount of humus-rich compost and lots of water in the growing season it will soon form an extremely handsome specimen.

In many ways Trachycarpus fortunei is the absolute mainstay of the exotic gardener. One of the hardiest and most architectural plants we can grow, it is a no-fuss quick-growing outdoor palm tree that will take whatever adverse weather Nature throws at it. Trachycarpus fortunei has fan-shaped fronds and a hairy matted trunk that can be stripped bare if you prefer your trunks to be naked. It does make them look more exotic. Like all palms it should be nursed overwinter through its first year in a glasshouse or conservatory until it is large enough to transplant outside. Having said that, Trachycarpus fortunei will always stay small if kept in a pot and the sooner you get it growing in its permanent position the better. Dig in plenty of compost, well-rotted horse muck and a fair bit of grit and watch it romp away ! A sunny position sheltered from wind will always be the best position. All palms respond well to generous amounts of nitrogen.

An essential hardy palm.

Additional Information

Order Arecales
Family Arecaceae
Sub-Family Coryphoideae
Synonyms Somtimes irritatingly referred to as Chamaerops excelsa or Trachycarpus excelsa by some nurseries still living in the Stone Age.
Geographical Origin Asia. Central China, south to northern Burma and northern India.
Cultivation Full sun or partial shade when small. Rich moist and well-drained soil. Feed and water well throughout the growing season.
Eventual Height 12 m
Eventual Spread 3 m
Hardiness Extremely hardy
Trachycarpus fortunei
Windmill Palm, Chusan Palm
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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