Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl'

Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl'

Rheum 'Ace of Hearts'

Rheum 'Ace of Hearts'

Hosta 'Halcyon'

Hosta, Plaintain Lily
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Glaucous blue-green cordate foliage
  • Prominent venation
  • Pale lavender flowers
  • Deepest blue colouration in shade
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Hosta 'Halcyon' is an historic hybrid Hosta with stiff blue-green foliage. It is one of the most famous of all the Hosta hybrids and is without doubt the best medium-sized blue Hosta ever developed. The leaves are strong and thick with prominent venation and the chalky blue colour - stunning on its own - is complemented beautifully by the lavender flowers.

In the autumn of 1961, plantsman Eric Smith (1917-1986) noticed an unusually late-blooming Hosta 'Elegans' - a cultivar that generally flowers early in the season - and taking pollen from this reblooming plant crossed it with the autumn-flowering Hosta 'Tardiflora'. Amongst the resulting seeds that germinated about half had blue foliage and these were to form the first generation of "Tardiana" hybrids from which Hosta 'Halcyon' was the first to be introduced.

It has been celebrated ever since. Perhaps the many paeans to its virtues are best summed up by Peter Cross, writing on the Halcyon Group in the Hosta Journal (2004 Vol. 35 No.2): "Though 'Halcyon' is not the bluest hosta now available, no blue hosta has yet to match the balance of color, size, habit and growth rate that has made 'Halcyon' the classic medium-sized blue hosta... One simply doesn't have a hosta collection until it contains at least one clump of 'Halcyon' ".

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asparagaceae
Sub-Family Agavoideae
Geographical Origin Horticultural cultivar
Cultivation Rich moist soil. Shade or partial shade. Protect from slugs and snails with a strong garlic wash on a regular basis
Eventual Height 50cm
Eventual Spread 60cm
Hardiness Hardy herbaceous perennial
Hosta 'Halcyon'
Hosta, Plaintain Lily
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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