Musa sikkimensis

Musa sikkimensis

Setaria palmifolia

Setaria palmifolia

Cyperus longus

Galingale, Sweet Galingale, Common Galingale, Hardy Umbrella Grass, Han
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £7.99 Special Price £5.99
  • Buy 2 for £5.75 each and save 4%
Quick Overview
  • Tall elegant sedge
  • Exotic-looking
  • Hardy
  • Edible roots
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Cyperus longus, Sweet Galingale, is a vigourous tall-growing ornamental sedge that manages to be both architectural and tropical-looking in a very simple and elegant manner yet is completely hardy. It has long, thin, bright green leaves which because of their height and graceful curving lines form an attractive addition to the exotic jungle or damp garden. The bracts of reddish-brown flower spikes appear in June and July, held aloft in an attractive umbrella-like formation that is characteristic of the genus.

It prefers moist ground and can be used as an aquatic or a water marginal and is ideal on the edge of a large pond or lake. In smaller settings it should always be remembered that this species can spread quickly and it may be better to confine its roots.

The crisp starchy tuberous roots are edible and have an sweet aromatic mossy violet-like fragrance that made it a prized and much-used spice in the medieval kitchen.

Lovely tall plants - strong-growing and strong-rooted - Bargain!!

Additional Information

Order Poales
Family Cyperaceae
Synonyms Cyperus myriostachys, Cyperus preslii, Chlorocyperus longus, Pycreus longus
Geographical Origin UK and Europe
Cultivation Full sun or partial shade. Moist soil: can be an aquatic or water marginal or grown in a damp spot
Eventual Height 2m
Eventual Spread Spreading to a large area by vigourous rhizomes: unless space permits its roots should be confined
Hardiness Fully hardy
Cyperus longus
Galingale, Sweet Galingale, Common Galingale, Hardy Umbrella Grass, Han
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £7.99 Special Price £5.99
  • Buy 2 for £5.75 each and save 4%
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