Agave chrysantha

Agave chrysantha

Achimenes mexicana

Achimenes mexicana

Persea americana 'Fuerte'

ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Neotropical fruit tree
  • Large attractive foliage
  • Hardier than Hass but still frost tender
  • Outdoors during the summer
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Persea americana 'Fuerte' is an Avocado cultivar derived from a Mexican form and is slightly more cold-tolerant than the Guatemalen cultivars like 'Hass'. Although tender in most parts of the UK and therefore best treated as a houseplant or grown in a conservatory, Persea americana 'Fuerte' can be experimented with outdoors in warmer parts of the country, in particular in inner-city London and its surrounding suburbs where the warm microclimate generated by the urban infrastructure creates a mild protective buffer zone. Elsewhere, it can be taken outside during the summer months and placed in a warm sheltered spot - in the shade at first to prevent its foliage burning in the sun. After a few weeks in the shade the leaves will harden off and it can be given more sun exposure. Water it well during the growing season and feed it with liquid seaweed or tomato feed. Bring it back inside in early October and reduce the watering over the winter.

Additional Information

Order Laurales
Family Lauraceae
Synonyms Laurus persea, Persea americana var. americana, Persea americana var. angustifolia, Persea americana var. drimyfolia, Persea americana var. floccosa, Persea americana var. nubigena, Persea drimyfolia, Persea edulis, Persea floccosa, Persea gigantea, Persea gratissima, Persea gratissima var. drimyfolia, Persea gratissima var. macrophylla, Persea gratissima var. melanocarpa, Persea gratissima var. oblonga, Persea gratissima var. praecox, Persea gratissima var. vulgaris, Persea leiogyna, Persea nubigena, Persea nubigena var. guatemalensis, Persea paucitriplinervia, Persea persea, Persea steyermarkii
Geographical Origin Horticultural cultivar from a Mexican form. The type species ranges across Guatemala, Mexico and the Caribbean
Cultivation Fertile well-drained soil. Semi-shade or sunny aspect with warmth and shelter. Water well during the summer when it can be kept outdoors. Bring inside by October. Prune to shape.
Eventual Height If kept indoors, this cultivar is best pruned back to about 2m. Outdoors this will grow to 5m or more
Eventual Spread 2m
Hardiness Tender in most UK locations. In the microclimate of the London urban heat island this cultivar has a good chance of surviving the winters outdoors if planted in a warm sheltered aspect and after it has already achieved a good size and a woody stem
Persea americana 'Fuerte'
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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