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Monstera adansonii

Five Holes Plant
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £10.99 Special Price £9.99
Quick Overview
  • Stunning tropical Aroid
  • Foliage perforated with many small holes
  • Naturally climbing habit: can be used as hanging plant
  • Warm humid air in a well-lit aspect with no direct sun
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Monstera adansonii is a stunning tropical climbing Aroid with the perforated foliage that is characteristic of the genus Monstera. It has smaller, less leathery leaves and many more holes per leaf than Monstera delicosa and it is an altogether more manageable houseplant, more suitable for smaller apartments and modern living spaces. A naturally climbing plant, Monstera adansonii can also be placed on a high viewpoint or in a hanging container to create a trailing plant.

It requires bright light but not direct sun and warm humid air. For many, the best indoor spot for Monstera adansonii will be in the bathroom.

Monstera adansonii is sometimes sold as Monstera obliqua, a different and much rarer plant altogether. A Dutch company is selling incorrectly labeled plants under the marketing name Monstera obliqua 'Monkey Mask'.

Additional Information

Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Sub-Family Monsteroideae
Synonyms Calla dracontium, Calla pertusa, Dracontium pertusum, Monstera adansonii var. adansonii, Monstera imrayana, Monstera jacquinii, Monstera macrophylla, Monstera pertusa, Monstera pertusa var. jacquinii, Monstera pertusa f. jacquinii, Monstera pinnatifida, Monstera protensa, Monstera seemannii, Philodendron pertusum
Geographical Origin Carribean, South America
Cultivation Warm, humid and well-lit aspect away from direct sun. Humus-rich potting-mix with added perlite. Feed regularly throughout the summer. Keep well-watered until October then slowly decrease watering through the winter as it adjusts to the lower light levels
Eventual Height 2m
Eventual Spread 1m
Hardiness Tender
Monstera adansonii
Five Holes Plant
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £10.99 Special Price £9.99
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