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Hippeastrum papilio

Butterfly Hippeastrum, Butterfly Amaryllis
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £11.99 Special Price £8.99
Quick Overview
  • Utterly beautiful flower
  • Green and maroon stripes on large butterfly-like petals
  • Thin strap-like foliage
  • Cold-tolerant but not fully hardy
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Hippeastrum papilio, Butterfly Amaryllis, is one of the very best of the species Hippeastrums and is staggeringly beautiful. Its flowers are produced in pairs on short stems - usually in the Spring - and are pale whitish-green striped with maroon with pale green anthers on long elegant filaments. Although it had been known and described from a cultivated specimen it wasn't discovered in the wild until the 1990s when Fred Meyer found it growing epiphytically in forest in the extreme southeast of Brazil.

Hippeastrum papilio is reasonably cold-tolerant and will stand temperatures down to freezing point but not much beyond and must be considered tender in UK conditions. It is best grown indoors or a cool conservatory in the winter until it has flowered then placed outside in a moist warm location in the garden - sheltered and shady. Its pot can be plunged into the soil for the summer and early autumn where it will benefit from the light. Adventurous and experimental exotic gardeners in southwest coastal locations that are both sheltered and frost-free may wish to experiment with Hippeastrum papilio outdoors on a more long-term basis. A well-drained substrate and warm mulching of leaves would be a good idea.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Amaryllidaceae
Sub-Family Amaryllidoideae
Synonyms Amaryllis papilio
Geographical Origin Southern Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul
Cultivation Usually grown indoors in a pot, more adventurous gardeners may want to experiment with planting this out in the summer in a warm but relatively shady spot. Sandy well-drained soil
Eventual Height 50-60cm including flower spike
Eventual Spread 40cm, cluming and forming new bulbils
Hardiness Tender but cold-tolerant. Indoors is usual. Summer transplanted or plunged into a bed for the adventurous. Seriously-deranged exoticists in more mild regions may want to experiment on a more permanent basis with heavy mulch - not exactly recommeded
Hippeastrum papilio
Butterfly Hippeastrum, Butterfly Amaryllis
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £11.99 Special Price £8.99
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