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Epiphyllum anguliger

Fish Bone Cactus, Zig Zag Cactus, Ric Rac Cactus, Moon Cactus
ex 1L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Epiphytic Mexican cactus
  • Elongated flattened stems
  • Distinctive herring-bone foliage
  • Large white flowers and edible fruit
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Epiphyllum anguliger, Fish Bone Cactus is an iconic epiphytic cactus from Mexico with its elongated flattened stems shaped in a distinctive serrated herring-bone pattern on its marginal edges. Best grown in a large hanging basket it will grow into a large and impressive specimen with time eventually producing a woody central stem. Epiphyllum is a genus renowned for its large scented flowers and Epiphyllum anguliger is no exception with mature plants producing massive fragrant white flowers on long pedicels. The fruit it produces is edible.

Epiphyllum anguliger is best grown in a porous potting mix similar to what one might grow a terrestrial orchid: a potting mix to which has been added a mixture of bark and perlite is ideal. Unlike desert cacti it requires a mix that - while free-draining - retains a little more moisture and it will also tolerate greater humidity. Water sparingly during the winter.

Epiphyllum anguliger has such magnificent foliage it has become a prized and essential possession for every cactus or houseplant enthusiast.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Cactoideae
Synonyms Epiphyllum darrahii, Phyllocactus anguliger, Phyllocactus darrahii
Geographical Origin Mexico
Cultivation Partial filtered sun to shade. Free-draining soil with some organic material. Grow as a houseplant in a hanging pot. Water sparingly in winter. Beware of slugs or snails if placed outside in summer
Eventual Height 60-90cm
Eventual Spread 1m
Hardiness Tender
Epiphyllum anguliger
Fish Bone Cactus, Zig Zag Cactus, Ric Rac Cactus, Moon Cactus
ex 1L pot
Availability: Sold Out
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