Nandina domestica

Nandina domestica

Roscoea alpina

Roscoea alpina

Hedychium flavum

Yellow Ginger Lily, Yellow Butterfly Lily, Yellow Butterfly Ginger Lily, Butterfly Ginger, Butterfly Lily,
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Magnificent lush jungly foliage
  • Creamy yellow fragrant flowers from a conical head
  • Root-hardy with a protective mulch
  • Tall vigourous habit
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Hedychium griffithianum, Griffith Butterfly Ginger, is a tall-growing ginger from the low Himalayan foothills and surrounding areas. It has a vigourous habit and lush jungle-like lance-shaped foliage to a height of 2m. The creamy yellow flowers are sweetly fragrant and protrude from the terminal cone-shaped bud in a manner very similar to Hedychium coronarium.

However, getting Hedychium flavum to flower in the UK is quite an achievement. It needs plenty of light (but not necessarily full sun), high summer heat, lots of water and regular feeding throughout the growing season. In short, a warm, sheltered semi-shady spot with a very rich soil and plenty of water. Like most Hedychiums, it flowers very late in the season - usually not until Autumn - just when the light levels and temperature are starting to drop off rapidly. A challenge...

Additional Information

Order Zingiberales
Family Zingiberaceae
Sub-Family Zingiberoideae
Synonyms Gandasulium flavum, Hedychium coccineum var. flavum, Hedychium coccineum var. urophyllum, Hedychium coronarium var. flavum, Hedychium coronarium var. urophyllum, Hedychium urophyllum
Geographical Origin Himalayan region; India, Nepal, Tibet, Myanmar, Thailand, South West China: Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan
Cultivation Warm sheltered aspect. Partial shade to prevent scorching. Plenty of water and regular feeding
Eventual Height 2m
Eventual Spread Spreading habit, 1-2m in the UK
Hardiness Herbaceous root-hardy perennial. Rhizomes should be sited in a humus-rich soil but surrounded by a bed of sharp sand for drainage in the winter. Mulch during the winter months
Hedychium flavum
Yellow Ginger Lily, Yellow Butterfly Lily, Yellow Butterfly Ginger Lily, Butterfly Ginger, Butterfly Lily,
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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