Hemerocallis 'Pink Damask'
Day Lily
ex 2L pots
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Quick Overview
- Deep terracotta-flesh-toned pink flowers
- Tall scapes
- Flowering throughout the summer
- Historic cultivar
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Hemerocallis 'Pink Damask' is a large-flowered diploid cultivar introduced by American hybridiser JC Stevens in 1951. It has deep terracotta-pink flowers with a yellow throat that are over 11cm across and sit atop a scape that can reach nearly one metre tall. The deep rich flesh-tones of the blooms are remarkable and quite unlike any of the colours one normally see described as pink. It was awarded an American Hemerocallis Society Award of Merit in 1957 following on from an Honourable Mention in 1954.
Highly recommended.
Additional Information
Order | Asparagales |
Family | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Sub-Family | Hemerocallidoideae |
Geographical Origin | Hybrid - horticultural origin |
Cultivation | Full sun or semi-shade. Moist rich soil |
Eventual Height | 45-50cm. Flower scape to 95cm |
Eventual Spread | 60-80 cm |
Hardiness | Hardy herbaceous perennial |
Hemerocallis 'Pink Damask'
Day Lily
ex 2L pots
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Regular Price
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- Buy 2 for £9.50 each and save 5%
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