Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
- Buy 2 for £9.50 each and save 5%
- Tall elegant fragrant yellow blooms
- Species daylily
- Early to mid-season flowering from May onwards
- Long flowering season
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, Lemon or Yellow Daylily is one of only 19 species of Hemerocallis currently recognised by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. In a world where there are over 80,000 cultivars of Daylily, it is refreshing to be able to appreciate the simple charms of this uncomplicated species. A tall-growing Daylily with long scapes and an elegant yellow flower, Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus is the epitome of beauty in the summer garden. The blooms are fragrant and the foliage is lush and luxuriant.
As well as clumping by its underground stolons, Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus is self-fertile and will set seeds, enabling it to naturalise large areas relatively quickly. It is extremely hardy and like all Daylilies it does well in sun or dappled shade and appreciates plenty of watering although very tolerant of drought.
A delightful species.
Additional Information
Order | Asparagales |
Family | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Sub-Family | Hemerocallidoideae |
Synonyms | Cameraria lilioasphodelus, Hemerocallis flava, Hemerocallis flava var. aurantiaca, Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus f. aurantiaca, Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus var. nana, Hemerocallis lutea |
Geographical Origin | China, Mongolia, Russian Far East including Siberia, Kazakhstan |
Cultivation | Full sun or dappled shade. Moist rich soil |
Eventual Height | 85-90cm. Flower scape to 1m+ |
Eventual Spread | 1-2m |
Hardiness | Hardy herbaceous perennial |
- Buy 2 for £9.50 each and save 5%


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