Mahonia eurybracteata subsp. ganpinensis 'Soft Caress'

Mahonia eurybracteata subsp. ganpinensis 'Soft Caress'

Opuntia robusta

Opuntia robusta

Ficus pumila 'Variegata'

Variegated Creeping Fig, Variegated Climbing Fig
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Climbing scandent habit
  • Miniature variegated foliage
  • Vigourous growth
  • Tender
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Ficus pumila 'Variegata' is the variegated cultivar of Creeping Fig (or Climbing Fig) and is generally grown as a houseplant in the UK. A handsome plant with bold white variegation it forms a low creeping mat and is ideal if planted in a wide-brimmed container and can also be trained to grow vertically. If Ficus pumila is usually a little too tender for most outdoor locations in the UK, then Ficus pumila 'Variegata' is even more so and will not tolerate sub-zero temperatures at all. It needs to be kept indoors throughout the winter although it will do well in the garden once the frosts have passed providing it is kept moist and in dappled shade. It can burn in the mid-summer full sun. Bring indoors again at the beginning of October.

Additional Information

Order Rosales
Family Moraceae
Synonyms Ficus hanceana, Ficus longipedicellata, Ficus pumila var. lutchuensis, Ficus repens, Ficus repens var. lutchuensis, Ficus scandens, Ficus stipulata, Ficus stipulata, Ficus vestita, Plagiostigma pumila, Plagiostigma stipulata, Tenorea heterophylla, Urostigma scandens, Varinga repens
Geographical Origin China, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam
Cultivation Indoors. Ideal houseplant to be taken outside for the growing season. Water well in summer and keep in dappled shade. Mist regularly when indoors
Eventual Height 3m+
Eventual Spread 4m+
Hardiness Tender. Not hardy in the UK
Ficus pumila 'Variegata'
Variegated Creeping Fig, Variegated Climbing Fig
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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