Camassia cusickii

Camassia cusickii

Canna 'Golden Lucifer'

Canna 'Golden Lucifer'

Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Pink Mist'

Arum Lily
ex 1L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Soft pink tones on a white spathe
  • Large jungly sagittate foliage
  • Vigourous tall growth
  • Herbaceous perennial
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Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Pink Mist' is another highly desirable cultivar of the type species with white spathes suffused with a pale pink tinge that grows stronger and darker in and around the throat. The spadix is usually yellow, only very occasionally with a reddish tinge, but the reflected light from the pink-toned throat often gives the spadix the look of having a reddish hue. It is a subtle effect and the soft glow that emanates from this inflorescence has great charm.

Like the type species of Zantedeschia aethiopica, the 'Pink Mist' cultivar is relatively cold tolerant, losing its foliage in extended periods of sub-zero temperatures but surviving the winter as a root-hardy herbaceous perennial before recommencing growth when the weather warms up again in Spring. In milder and sheltered urban or coastal climates the leaves will often remain throughout the winter.

A choice variation on a familiar theme. Highly recommended.

Additional Information

Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Sub-Family Aroideae
Synonyms Calla aethiopica, Calla moschata, Colocasia aethiopica, Richardia africana, Richardia aethiopica, Otosma aethiopica, Arodes aethiopicum
Geographical Origin Horticultural cultivar - type species from South Africa
Cultivation Sun to partial shade. Keep moist during the summer. Sharp sand around the tubers to prevent rot
Eventual Height 1m
Eventual Spread 1m
Hardiness Root hardy. Can survive very low temperatures even though the foliage is cut down by a hard frost
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Pink Mist'
Arum Lily
ex 1L pot
Availability: Sold Out
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