Tulipa orphanidea ssp whittalii

Tulipa orphanidea ssp whittalii

Hibiscus trionum

Hibiscus trionum

Tulipa clusiana

Lady Tulip
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Gorgeous ornate species
  • Red outer petals, yellow inner flowers
  • Opening wide like a star
  • Full sun, good drainage
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Tulipa clusiana, the Lady Tulip, is native to Iran extending east to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir, a range that is further south of the tulip-rich terrain of the Koppe Dagh, Pamir Alai and the Western Himalayas. Perhaps it is for this reason, that it able to tolerate more heat than is usual for most Tulips. A strikingly beautiful species tulip with delicate ornate flowers, Tulipa clusiana opens wide in the sun with star-shaped petals. The bulbs have tufty hairs from the apex. Recent taxonmic changes have meant that the various colour and chromosome variations of Tulpa clusiana are now all classed together. The form that we offer here is the yellow and red form that most people know as either Tulipa clusiana var chrysantha or sometimes as the synonym, Tulipa chrysantha.

Additional Information

Order Liliales
Family Liliaceae
Sub-Family Lilioideae
Synonyms Liriactis albiflora, Tulipa aitchisonii, Tulipa aitchisonii subsp. cashmiriana, Tulipa aitchisonii var. clusianoides, Tulipa chitralensis, Tulipa chrysantha, Tulipa clusiana f. cashmeriana, Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha, Tulipa clusiana f. clusianoides, Tulipa clusiana f. diniae, Tulipa clusiana f. fernandezii, Tulipa clusiana f. porphyreochrysantha, Tulipa clusiana var. rubroalba, Tulipa clusiana f. stellata, Tulipa clusiana var. stellata, Tulipa fernandezii, Tulipa hafisii, Tulipa hispanica, Tulipa leichtlinii,Tulipa linifolia f. chrysantha, Tulipa montana var. chrysantha, Tulipa porphyreochrysantha, Tulipa praecox, Tulipa rubroalba, Tulipa stellata, Tulipa stellata var. chrysantha, Tulipa undulata
Geographical Origin Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Kashmir
Cultivation Well-drained sandy, gravelly soil. Full sun, keep dry in summer
Eventual Height 25cm
Eventual Spread Spreading by stolons
Hardiness Hardy, bulbous perennial
Tulipa clusiana
Lady Tulip
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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