Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'
Spoon-leaved Stonecrop, Stonecrop, Broadleaf Stonecrop
ex 9cm pot
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Quick Overview
- Whitish powdery grey rosettes
- Low ground-covering carpet
- Yellow flowers in summer
- Well-drained gravelly soil but takes the wet
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Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' is a cultivar of the Broadleaf or Spoonleaf Stonecrop with powedery grey foliage. The new growth is slightly more green in winter and early in the spring the growth is likewise more green, turning whiter and more grey as the hot summer weather sets in. The type species is a tough hardy native of western North America and is found along the west coast of both the USA and Canada and into the mountains. It performs well in wet British conditions and is also drought resistant.
Sometimes sold as Sedum spathulifolium 'Capo Blanco'.
Additional Information
Order | Saxifragales |
Family | Crassulaceae |
Sub-Family | Sempervivoideae |
Synonyms | Gormania spathulifolia, Sedum spathulifolium 'Capo Blanco' |
Geographical Origin | Horticultural cultivar. Type species from Western USA and Canada: California, Oregon, Washington; British Columbia |
Cultivation | Full sun although it tolerates some shade. Well-drained soil kept dry during winter althought= tolerate winter wet well |
Eventual Height | 20cm |
Eventual Spread | Spreading to a low mat |
Hardiness | Hardy. Protection with fleece is a sensible precaution in extreme sub-zero weather |
Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'
Spoon-leaved Stonecrop, Stonecrop, Broadleaf Stonecrop
ex 9cm pot
In stock
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