Arisaema franchetianum

Arisaema franchetianum

Phytolacca bogotensis

Phytolacca bogotensis

Maianthemum racemosum

False Spikenard, False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Lily of the Valley, Treacleberry, Solomon's Plume
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Elegant arching foliage with elliptical leaves
  • Terminal racemes of snowy white flowers
  • Dappled woodland shade and fertile acidic soil
  • Hardy clump-forming perennial
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Maianthemum racemosum, False Solomon's Seal is a choice woodlander from North America where it grows in fertile, humus-rich soils in dappled shade. In time it forms a large, extremely handsome clump spreading underground by its vigourous rhizomes. Its large fragrant pyramid-shaped terminal flower-spikes are borne from May onward and during the summer develop into green berries splotched with orange before turning bright red in late summer and early autumn.

Its elegant arching foliage has alternating elliptical leaves and the stems zig-zag between each leaf. The combination of lush green foliage and large racemes of snowy white flowers is particularly restful on the eye. There is a resemblance to Polygonatum from where it gets it common name, False Solomon's Seal.

The most geographically wide-spread of the Maianthemums, Maianthemum racemosum is a reliable and ever-pleasing species providing you have the right combination of shade and humus-rich soil. It will survive in full sun and less organically-rich soils but it will not do as well.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asparagaceae
Sub-Family Nolinoideae
Synonyms Convallaria ciliata, Convallaria racemosa, Maianthemum racemosum subsp. racemosum, Polygonastrum racemosum, Sigillaria ciliata, Sigillaria multiflora, Smilacina ciliata, Smilacina flexicaulis, Smilacina latifolia, Smilacina racemosa, Smilacina racemosa var. cylindrata, Smilacina racemosa f. foliosa, Smilacina racemosa var. lanceolata, Tovaria racemosa, Unifolium racemosum, Vagnera australis, Vagnera racemosa, Vagnera retusa
Geographical Origin USA, Canada, Northern Mexico
Cultivation Dappled shade. Moist, humus-rich slightly acid soil
Eventual Height 0.6m
Eventual Spread 1.5m
Hardiness Hardy herbaceous perennial
Maianthemum racemosum
False Spikenard, False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Lily of the Valley, Treacleberry, Solomon's Plume
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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