Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals'
Day Lily
ex 2L pot
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Quick Overview
- Striking large bicolour bloom
- Rusty-orange inner petals with yellow midrib and outer petals
- Mid-season flowering from June onwards
- Long flowering season
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Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' is a deservedly well-known and popular daylily cultivar first bred and registered in 1955 by Wilmer B. Flory, 9th President of the American Hemerocallis Society. It was introduced for sale in 1957, and its striking bicolour flower was an instant success. A diploid hybrid - with Hemerocallis 'Baggette' and Hemerocallis 'Cornell' as the parent plants - 'Frans Hals' has rusty orange inner petals with a bright midrib of creamy yellow-orange and matching yellow-orange outer petals.
A vigorous cultivar with multi-branched scapes, it nontheless remains medium-sized, growing to about 70cm and flowering from June onwards with a long extended season throughout the summer.
Additional Information
Order | Asparagales |
Family | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Sub-Family | Hemerocallidoideae |
Geographical Origin | Diploid hybrid - horticultural origin |
Cultivation | Full Sun. Moist rich soil |
Eventual Height | 75-80cm |
Eventual Spread | 60 cm-80 cm |
Hardiness | Dormant in winter it is fully hardy to at least -15 C. The foliage appears again in March |
Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals'
Day Lily
ex 2L pot
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- Buy 2 for £9.50 each and save 5%
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