Saxifraga stolonifera

Saxifraga stolonifera

Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbery'

Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbery'

Helleborus niger

Christmas Rose, Black Hellebore
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • White flowers with a green throat and yellow anthers
  • Flowering throughout the winter
  • Dark green leathery foliage with purple petioles
  • Moist rich but alkaline soil in semi-shade
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Helleborus niger, Christmas Rose is the well-known and deservedly popular evergreen perennial that bears beautiful white flowers with a green throat and yellow anthers throughout the winter months and on into the spring. The buds usually start forming from late November onwatds. Its dark green leathery leaves with their purple petioles are an added bonus.

Coming from the alpine regions of several European countries, Helleborus niger does best in a cool moist semi-shaded aspect with a humus-rich but akaline rootrun. It does not favour a dry or acidic substrate and care should be taken to see that it doesn't dry out in the heat of summer. These relatively simple but nontheless important cultivational requirements are sometimes overlooked and the plant is often treated as a semi-disposable gift for Christmas that may eventually find its way into an unsuitable corner of the garden. It is by no means a rare or unusual plant but grown well it is exceptionally beautiful and deserves just that little care it requires to see it flourish.

Additional Information

Order Ranunculales
Family Ranunculaceae
Sub-Family Ranunculoideae
Synonyms Helleborus altifolius, Helleborus grandiflorus
Geographical Origin Europe: Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia
Cultivation Partial or dappled shade. A moist but well-aerated substrate to which has been added both leaf-mould and a light sprinkle of lime
Eventual Height 30-35cm
Eventual Spread 30-40cm
Hardiness Hardy evergreen perennial
Helleborus niger
Christmas Rose, Black Hellebore
ex 2L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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