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Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum'

Leopard Plant, Gold-Spotted Japanese Farfugium
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Spectacular yellow-spotted foliage
  • Yellow Aster-like flowers late in autumn
  • Needs a moist soil and a shady aspect
  • Hardy evergreen perennial
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Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum', Leopard Plant is a vigorous evergreen perennial from Japan, Korea and China with astonishing maculate foliage randomly covered with dozens of miniature dots resembling yellow sunspots. The leaves are thick and leathery and produced in great abundance - providing there is enough water - soon forming a large and impressive clump. Late in autumn racemes of yellow star-like flowers - typical for the Asteraceae - are an added bonus.

Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' is a tougher plant than it looks and is hardy in a moist sheltered aspect in most parts of the UK. A good thick mulch is a sensible practice even in the warmer, more southerly areas but it will generally take a light to moderate frost particularly if it has some protection from other plants or a nearby wall.

It needs a moist humus-rich deeply-dug soil and grows best in a shady spot. Given these condtions it will grow large and will soon become a talking point for your every garden visitor.

Additional Information

Order Asterales
Family Asteraceae
Sub-Family Asteroideae
Synonyms Arnica tussilaginea, Farfugium giganteum, Farfugium grande, Farfugium japonicum f. japonicum, Farfugium japonicum var. japonicum, Farfugium japonicum f. luteofuscus, Farfugium kaempferi, Farfugium luchuense, Farfugium tussilagineum, Farfugium tussilagineum var. formosanum, Ligularia kaempferi, Ligularia nokozanensis, Ligularia tussilaginea, Ligularia tussilaginea var. formosana, Ligularia tussilaginea var. tussilaginea, Senecio japonicus, Senecio kaempferi, Senecio tussilagineus, Tussilago japonica L.
Geographical Origin Horticultural cultivar: Type species from Japan, Korea, China
Cultivation Moist humus-rich soil and a shady or partially shady location is ideal. Avoid full sun. Avoid soil drying out
Eventual Height 60cm. When flowering to 1m
Eventual Spread Clump forming: 1m
Hardiness Hardy in most locations in the UK. An evergreen perennial, it is hardier than it looks and will take moderate frost. Mulching is sensible
Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum'
Leopard Plant, Gold-Spotted Japanese Farfugium
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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