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Cyclamen hederifolium forma albiflorum

Ivy-Leaved Cyclamen - White Form
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • White flowering form
  • Dramatic silver patterned foliage
  • Flowering late July to October
  • Humus-rich but well-drained soil
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The white flowering form of Cyclamen hederifolium is a choice and desirable woodland plant, its pure white reflexed blooms - often with a hint of pale pink - appearing from late summer before the dramatically patterned leaves. This silver marbled foliage is extremely attractive and persists throughout the winter until the tubers go dormant in the Spring. Cyclamen hederifolium is the hardiest of the genus and overwinters easily in the UK providing it has good drainage.

Taxonomically this is correctly a synonym of Cyclamen hederifolium which tends to leave growers with a dilemma on how to differentiate it from the type species with its pink flowers. It is often listed by nurseries as Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album' or Cyclamen hederifolium var album and was described by Christopher Grey-Wilson as Cyclamen hederifolium var. hederifolium forma albiflorum, a difficult mouthful that is also sometimes encountered.

Well-established plants in 1.5L pots.

Additional Information

Order Ericales
Family Primulaceae
Sub-Family Myrsinoideae
Synonyms Cyclamen aedirhizum, Cyclamen albiflorum, Cyclamen angulare, Cyclamen autumnale, Cyclamen crassifolium, Cyclamen cyclaminus, Cyclamen hederifolium subsp. crassifolium, Cyclamen hederifolium var. poli, Cyclamen hederifolium subsp. romanum, Cyclamen hederifolium f. virgineum, Cyclamen immaculatum, Cyclamen insulare, Cyclamen linearifolium, Cyclamen neapolitanum, Cyclamen poli, Cyclamen romanum, Cyclamen sabaudum, Cyclamen subhastatum, Cyclaminum vernum, Cyclaminus neapolitana
Geographical Origin Mediterranean
Cultivation Sun, partial sun or semi shade. Fertile, well-drained soil with humus and some added sharp sand for extra drainage. Does well in the dry shelter of large shrubs or trees
Eventual Height Flowers to 25 cm
Eventual Spread 40-100cm
Hardiness Fully hardy in the UK
Cyclamen hederifolium forma albiflorum
Ivy-Leaved Cyclamen - White Form
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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