Iochroma australe

Iochroma australe

Vitex agnus-castus - Licensed under Creative Commons - By H. Zell [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

Vitex agnus-castus

Corynabutilon vitifolium

Vine-Leaved Abutilon, Huella
ex 1.5L pots - tall plants
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Tall fast-growing shrub to small tree
  • Large fuzzy foliage 
  • Variable flower - usually mauve
  • Sheltered warm spot
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Corynabutilon vitifolium, Vine-Leaved Abutilon, is a fast-growing large shrub to small tree from Chile with large fuzzy foliage. The leaves have three or five lobes depending on age and do indeed resemble vine-leaves or, to give you another idea, Huella, its Chilean name means pawprint. Their large size, the tufted down on their surface and the tropical-looking lobes all combine to give it an exotic appearance. It is a vigourous grower and will soon reach a good size but it needs a very sheltered spot, ideally up against a warm wall and ideally with some frost protection from overhanging branches. The flower is a typical Malvales shape, resembling a Hibiscus, large and exotic-looking and usually pale mauve although there is some variation and occasionally a white-flowering form appears.

Additional Information

Order Malvales
Family Malvaceae
Sub-Family Malvoideae
Synonyms Abutilon vitifolium, Sida vitifolia
Geographical Origin Chile
Cultivation Needs a warm sheltered aspect ideally against a wall and with the surrounding or even overhead protection of other hardier shrubs and trees
Eventual Height 5-10m
Eventual Spread 2-4m
Hardiness Not fully hardy in all regions. Best in southwest and coastal regions or urban London. Safest to grow in the protection of a south-facing wall even in favoured regions. Will take frost down to about -5C but mulch heavily and consider fleece when small
Corynabutilon vitifolium
Vine-Leaved Abutilon, Huella
ex 1.5L pots - tall plants
Availability: Sold Out
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