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Clerodendrum bungei

Rose Glorybower, Rosy Glorybower, Glorybower
ex 2L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Clusters of starry rose-pink flowers
  • Fragrant
  • Vigourous and fast growing
  • Hardy in the south, although cut back by frosts
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Clerodendrum bungei, Rose Glorybower, is a vigourous deciduous shrubby tree from China. It has large attractive dark-green foliage that has purplish new-growth and distinctive wine-red veins and striking clusters of rosy-pink fragrant flowers throughout the late summer and into the autumn

A fast and strong-growing, Clerodendrum bungei quickly establishes itself in a warm sheltered spot in the garden. In colder regions or during a very cold winter it may lose its top-growth or be cut down to the ground by the frosts. But whether you are in a colder area or the warmer south you will need to actively prune the numerous basal suckers that are thrown up each year. Of course, if you have a very large area that needs filling with a very exotic-looking semi-herbaceous large shrubby tree, then Clerodendrum bungei is perhaps the perfect answer and you could leave it to its own devices. But in gardens with a more limited space, take the secateurs to it in the early spring or it will soon get out of hand.

Additional Information

Order Lamiales
Family Lamiaceae
Sub-Family Teucrioideae
Synonyms Clerodendrum bungei var. bungei, Clerodendrum foetidum, Clerodendrum fragrans var. foetidum, Clerodendrum yatschuense, Pavetta esquirolii, Volkameria bungei
Geographical Origin China
Cultivation A warm, sheltered aspect. Keep suckers cut back each year
Eventual Height 3-6m
Eventual Spread 2-4m
Hardiness Hardy in most parts of the southern UK and warmer sheltered microclimates. Can be grown in a large sturdy container in colder areas and brought into a conservatory
Clerodendrum bungei
Rose Glorybower, Rosy Glorybower, Glorybower
ex 2L pot
Availability: Sold Out
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