Canna glauca
Canna glauca, Water Canna is native to Central and South America and the Caribbean and has been naturalised throughout the American southern states giving rise to another of its common names, Louisiana Canna. A true aquatic species, Canna glauca is best grown is shallow water in a pond or water feature and in the UK a large aquatic container is ideal so that it can be lifted at the end of the growing season before there is any danger of the water freezing over. The rhizome can then be stored over winter. It can be grown in the garden or in containers but grown terrestrially it needs plenty of water and liquid feeding - as indeed all Cannas do. Cannas that are grown in pots can be housed in a frost-free environment and the rhizomes divided and re-potted in the early spring.
Its yellow flower is relatively large for a species Canna and the foliage has a blue-green colour which gives rise to the species epithet.
A wonderful Canna that is not often encountered.
Additional Information
Order | Zingiberales |
Family | Cannaceae |
Synonyms | Canna angustifolia, Canna annaei, Canna fintelmannii, Canna glauca var. angusta, Canna glauca var. annaei, Canna glauca var. rubrolutea, Canna glauca var. rufa, Canna glauca var. siamensis, Canna hassleriana, Canna jacobiniflora, Canna lanceolata, Canna lancifolia, Canna liturata, Canna longifolia, Canna mexicana, Canna pedicellata, Canna schlechtendaliana, Canna schlechtendaliana var. annaei, Canna siamensis, Canna stenantha, Canna stolonifera, Canna stricta, Xyphostylis angustifolia |
Geographical Origin | Central and South America, Caribbean |
Cultivation | Full sun. Best grown with its feet in water. Can be grown in soil but must be watered and fed well |
Eventual Height | 1.8m |
Eventual Spread | 60cm |
Hardiness | Lift the rhizomes and store over winter in a frost-free environment |